@welt.de 5 years ago
Wenn Hugh Grant plötzlich an Deiner Haustür klingelt
@welt.de 5 years ago
Wenn Hugh Grant plötzlich an deiner Haustür klingelt
@reuters.com 5 years ago
First London, then Europe to vote on Brexit deal: EU's Juncker
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
Brexit Forever: European Leaders Buy Time to Keep Bickering
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Deadlock in London keeps Brexit hanging in the balance
@spiegel.de 6 years ago
The Brewing Storm: Chaos Erupts in London Over Brexit Deal
@guardian 7 years ago
'Exit from Brexit': thousands attend pro-EU demonstration in London http://trib.al/OPaApOA
@live.wsj.com 8 years ago
U.K. Prime Minister Assembles Brexit Cabinet