@spiegel.de 1 year ago
Brexit: London will Kontrollen im Handel mit Nordirland streichen
@qz.com 1 year ago
The super-rich are gobbling up prime London properties at a rate not seen since Brexit
@n-tv.de 2 years ago
"Hätten es anders machen sollen": Johnson mit Brexit-Deal höchst unzufrieden
@welt.de 5 years ago
Abschied vom Königreich
England wins travel guide plaudits – but what about the rest of the UK?
@forbes.com 5 years ago
Only London's Most Expensive Homes Are Brexit-Proof
@sueddeutsche.de 6 years ago
Reaktionen auf Brexit-Abstimmung: "Die britische Politik handelt unverändert irrational"
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
Divisions beyond Brexit: London and the rest of Britain; young and old; Scotland and England http://nyti.ms/2sRLi0K https://t.co/yPyTakzx5g
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
Divisions beyond Brexit: London and the rest of Britain; young and old; Scotland and England http://nyti.ms/2qYqkkF https://t.co/4LV1NJ6BO7
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
Brexit is a bracing reminder of just how very different London is from the rest of Britain: http://nyti.ms/29fPPDc https://t.co/tCMaVq40NC