Congratulations @RoryStewartUK. A great move. The New European looks forward to supporting you and @BorisJohnson in making a great success of our glorious Brexit!
Lots of people think we just bore on and on about Brexit... not so; we bore on and on about some of the greatest culture on the continent. Beautiful cover piece for this week's Eurofile section, by @JasonCritic on the late, great Monica Vitti. Published Thursday.
Retired from comics and fired up after Brexit, the great Alan Moore returns with a film he’s finally happy with... possibly because it’s set in his Northampton home town.
Among the great, good and not so good spluttering over David Frost’s Brexit speech in Lisbon, the most vociferous was Gavin Barwell, Theresa May’s former chief of staff.
"You're driven ideologically with this belief that Brexit is going to be great for Britain and anything that gets in the way with that narrative is somehow disloyal and unpatriotic."
"In the immediate aftermath of the vote to leave the EU, a great many people like me joined the Lib Dems as it was the only party in England that was unequivocally opposed to Brexit"
Two great covers both on newsstands tomorrow serving as a reminder of Boris Johnson's broken Brexit commitment. For a bit of fun which do you like the most? Hit 'retweet' for the one on the left, 'like' for the one on the right.