RT @BizPears: How Anti-Brexit Newspaper The New European Became An Unlikely Success Story https://www.buzzfeed.com/patricksmith/how-anti-brexit-newspaper-the-new-european-became-an?utm_term=.rfJVeODan via @psmith
RT @DenisMacShane: Funny @mk1969 on 2027 after Brexit. He calls nation EW but new name will be Former UK (FUK) http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/brexit-2027-this-is-the-uk-10-years-on-1-5075042
RT @jessicaelgot: 50 Labour politicians form new parliamentary group to oppose hard Brexit https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/20/end-austerity-uk-single-market-theresa-may-brexit?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Tweet
RT @BBCRosAtkins: Here I am again. All questions on the the new UK government, Theresa May, Brexit, DUP and anything else, very welco… https://t.co/gyilYmcQV3
RT @TheNewEuropean: Get all of this plus a seat-by-seat tactical vote guide to stop May-style Brexit when you buy The New European >… https://t.co/4riquP2Mya
RT @TheNewEuropean: Get all of this plus a seat-by-seat tactical vote guide to stop May-style Brexit when you buy The New European >… https://t.co/4riquP2Mya
RT @mk1969: Great article about @theneweuropean in GQ this month @britishgq >> Can the New European pop-up paper derail Brexit? https://t.co/DMQOr07kgz
RT @Bonn1eGreer: In today's @TheNewEuropean, I predict that even if #Trump wins #TrumpCare -he loses He hasHe's our new BF#Brexithttps://t.co/5rB7OyrcQA
RT @guardianaudio: Introducing ‘Brexit Means ...’ our new in-depth #Brexit podcast with our European affairs correspondent @JonHenley… https://t.co/Ky12T8KGnx
RT @guardianaudio: Introducing ‘Brexit Means ...’ our new in-depth #Brexit podcast with our European affairs correspondent @JonHenley… https://t.co/Hgg5IGGjgt
RT @BenLeubsdorf: The June jobs report: Is the U.S. in danger of a new recession? How could Verizon and Brexit scramble the picture? http://on.wsj.com/29t60Nc
RT @RichardBarley1: Brexit: a new phase in the global central bank experiment. Further down the monetary rabbit hole... http://on.wsj.com/29qpeWP via @WSJ
RT @BBCGavinHewitt: Polish For Min calls on EU officials to resign over Brexit for 'mistakes'. New people needed to work out 'new position for the UK and EU.'
RT @DanBilefsky: Check out the New York Times live blog on Brexit, as this nail-biting, momentous vote soon begins. http://www.nytimes.com/live/eu-referendum/