Brexit sparked greater attachment to the European Union in UK and EU citizens living abroad, survey suggests 3 years ago
UK job vacancies soar to 20-year high, as nation struggles with post-Brexit and Covid labour shortages 3 years ago
Is Brexit-induced red tape going to stop UK exports to Europe? RT’s Boom Bust finds out 4 years ago
Business leaders urge UK government to avoid no-deal Brexit
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
It follows polling which showed a majority of the public expect a Brexit deal between the UK and EU
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Liz Kershaw said that job losses at Phillips was "great news" for Brexit and showed the company had faith in the UK...
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Donald Trump’s visit to the UK showed Brexit is an existential question, as well as a political one. 7 years ago
Can the UK and Germany speak the same language on Brexit?