Britain's archbishops are praying for Brexit Britain. "God of eternal love and power, save our parliamentary democracy, protect the High Court of Parliament and all its members from partiality and prejudice," one prayer said.
“Brexit has also unleashed these people. This is Britain now, this is not the Britain I know and love. They do not represent our country and they need sorting out.”
“Brexit has also unleashed these people. This is Britain now, this is not the Britain I know and love. They do not represent our country and they need sorting out.”
“Brexit has also unleashed these people. This is Britain now, this is not the Britain I know and love. They do not represent our country and they need sorting out.”
"My passion to halt the madness of Brexit comes not from a love of Europe, but a love of Britain, and a fear that we are opting for national economic, political and cultural decline"
Post-Brexit Britain will be more Love Actually than Mad Max, claims Andrea Leadsom
"My passion against Brexit stems from a love of Britain, and a desire to stop the country opting for its own decline and irrelevance"Read more:
"My passion against Brexit stems from a love of Britain, and a desire to stop the country opting for its own decline and irrelevance"