It’s home to pro-Brexit groups and climate change sceptics, reports @jamesrbuk. But just how much power over this government is wielded by the tenants of 55 Tufton Street?
Whether it's his hard Brexit agenda, the barring of journalists or the reforms of the justice system, the latest rows in Downing Street show the prime minister is neither a liberal politician or a Tory.
As Prime Minister Boris Johnson returns to Downing Street with a mandate to “Get Brexit Done,” real-estate agents in prime central London believe a deal—any deal—will help repair buyer confidence.
As an unelected PM moved into Downing Street, the Brexit Party's unelected leader was in New York for the launch of World For Brexit, a pro-Leave fundraising campaign chaired by former Ronald Reagan staffer Peggy Grande.
"Boris Johnson is not even trying to run the country, or to negotiate or pass a Brexit deal. He is purely and simply running a campaign team for an early election from 10 Downing Street"
The government will not have completed all of the legislation needed to prepare for life after Brexit by March 29, Downing Street has admitted
Downing Street has admitted “there is still more work to do” on the government's Brexit deal just 9 days before the House of Commons debates it.