Britain and the European Union struck a landmark agreement on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, potentially resolving one of the most poisonous legacies of Britain’s exit from Europe’s trade bloc
Britain and the European Union struck a landmark agreement on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, potentially resolving one of the most poisonous legacies of Britain’s exit from Europe’s trade bloc
Britain and the European Union struck a deal on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland. Here’s what you need to know.
Britain and the European Union struck a deal on Monday to end a festering dispute over post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, according to British news media reports.
Despite a trade deal struck by Britain and the E.U., promises once made by Brexit campaigners that leaving the European Union would free companies from needless bureaucracy now sound like a macabre joke, particularly to Scottish seafood exporters
Theresa May is facing demands to publish the government's latest Brexit analysis following a report it had concluded Britain would be worse off whatever deal is struck with Brussels.