“I actually campaigned for Brexit and I made it very clear in every speech I gave we would be economically worse off.” https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/lord-digby-jones-on-newsnight-argues-with-ofoc-femi-oluwole-1-5871657
In the growing crisis surrounding Brexit, there are calls for negotiations to be extended to prevent an economically-disastrous exit without an agreement at the end of March — though all 27 other E.U. nations would have to agree to prolong the talks https://nyti.ms/2D4L1jj
In the growing crisis surrounding Brexit, there are calls for negotiations to be extended to prevent an economically-disastrous exit without an agreement at the end of March — though all 27 other E.U. nations would have to agree to prolong the talks https://nyti.ms/2D0ts3M
Despite all the dire Brexit forecasts, the U.K. has had a strikingly good year. Leaving the EU may well boil down to far less, economically, than anyone thought. http://on.wsj.com/2G2OFsY