@tagesschau.de 2 years ago
Johnson-Nachfolge: Liz Truss wird neue britische Premierministerin | tagesschau.de - tagesschau.de
@fnp.de 2 years ago
Liz Truss: Thatcher-Fan und bekehrte Brexit-Vorkämpferin
@tagesschau.de 2 years ago
Johnson-Nachfolge geregelt: Liz Truss wird neue britische Premierministerin - tagesschau.de
@bild.de 2 years ago
Liz Truss – die neue Maggie Thatcher?: Queen muss SIE zum Boris-Nachfolger machen - BILD
@spiegel.de 2 years ago
Boris Johnsons Nachfolgefavoritin Liz Truss: Die Draufgängerin
@fr.de 2 years ago
Misstrauensvotum: Johnson schlechter als May und Thatcher - fr.de
@forbes.com 5 years ago
Boris Johnson Lands Biggest Victory Since Thatcher, Labour Suffers Historic Upset
@welt.de 5 years ago
Der größte Sieg seit Thatcher
@abc.net.au 5 years ago
Analysis: Boris Johnson joins the likes of Margaret Thatcher while Labour grapples with 'oblivion'
@nymag.com 5 years ago
Tories Win Biggest Majority Since Thatcher in U.K. Election
@nymag.com 5 years ago
U.K. Election Exit Poll: Tories Win Biggest Majority Since Thatcher
@aljazeera.com 5 years ago
Johnson's Brexit plans are 'Thatcherism on steroids', says Corbyn
@dailydot.com 5 years ago
The ghost of Margaret Thatcher summoned to solve Brexit
@faz.net 5 years ago
Liz Truss: Großbritanniens neue Handelsministerin im Porträt
@channel4.com 5 years ago
The Powell Brothers: Siblings on advising Thatcher and Blair, Brexit and the leaked memos| Politics: Where Next? podcast
@theatlantic.com 5 years ago
The Search for a Brexit-Era Margaret Thatcher
The road to Brexit: how did the UK end up here?
@spiegel.de 6 years ago
Interview with Kenneth Clarke on Brexit: 'We Can't Carry On Being So Insane'
@guardian 7 years ago
Thatcher aide dismisses blue passports as a ‘nostalgic’ Brexit stunt https://trib.al/0OcMm7o
@guardian 8 years ago
Margaret Thatcher would not have supported Brexit, says top aide http://trib.al/C76tItO