“The fact is that on Brexit there are areas where the two main parties agree,” Theresa May said this weekend, as she searches for a deal that can win a majority in Parliament https://nyti.ms/2UmiwHT
“The fact is that on Brexit there are areas where the two main parties agree,” Theresa May said this weekend, as she searches for a deal that can win a majority in Parliament https://nyti.ms/2KfunTm
Theresa May warns that parliament must agree a deal to deliver Brexit – video https://www.theguardian.com/politics/video/2019/apr/07/theresa-may-warns-that-parliament-must-agree-a-deal-to-deliver-brexit-video?utm_term=Autofeed&CMP=twt_gu&utm_medium=&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1554650276
European leaders agree to advance Brexit negotiations; now U.K. PM Theresa May must decide what she wants wants from a trade deal http://on.wsj.com/2ANguqJ