Government acquires second 'Brexit plane' for Boris Johnson painted in colours of the Union flag
Boris Johnson pulls out of CBI conference after warnings about Brexit and second lockdown
Brexit: Johnson ‘will have to call second referendum if he fails to win majority’
Boris Johnson rules out second Brexit and Scottish independence referendums – video
Legislation to prevent a no-deal Brexit was formally approved on Monday, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson is likely to be rebuffed in his second try for a general election. Follow our live updates as Parliament is set for another dramatic day.
Boris Johnson, the Brexit cheerleader who's won President Trump's praise, has cut his hair—and his gaffe-prone quips—in his second run to be prime minister
Boris Johnson, the Brexit cheerleader who's won President Trump's praise, has cut his hair—and his gaffe-prone quips—in his second run to be prime minister
Second Brexit referendum would be doing SNP's work, Boris Johnson claims
Brexiteers are fond of referring to the “Brexit people voted for”. Based on the statements of both Farage and Johnson, the people voted for a second referendum; this is what the two Brexiteers promised.
Jo Johnson has resigned as transport minister over Brexit and called for a second referendum