Boris Johnson’s victory in the 2019 race to become prime minister was attributed in part to his campaign slogan: “Get Brexit done.” More than three years later, one of his successors, Rishi Sunak, took a significant step toward making good on that pledge.
It was inevitable: Political score settling was layered onto the Euro 2020 championship, and European fans and leaders took more than a little glee in denying England a chance for Brexit vindication.
"I took the government to court to release the studies of the impact of Brexit on our economy. Now I understand why they fought so hard to keep them secret."
“You had a Brexit that took no account of the wishes of people in Scotland or Northern Ireland,” said a former Irish ambassador to Britain. “But that exists in parallel with a Conservative Party that celebrates the United Kingdom.”
It took 34 minutes, and the arrival of Ken Clarke, for somebody to finally ask what Johnson's plan was following the rejection of his Brexit timetable
President Trump took a swipe at departing U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May over her handling of Brexit, tweeting: "What a mess she and her representatives have created"