@zeit.de 2 years ago
Britische Premierministerin: Liz Truss entschuldigt sich für ihre Wirtschaftspolitik - zeit.de
@zeit.de 4 years ago
Brexit-Abkommen: Boris Johnson will Rebellion unter Tories verhindern - ZEIT ONLINE
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Großbritannien-Wahl 2019: Johnson will heute Brexit besiegeln - doch Umfragen versprechen Spannung
Tories Lead Way With 3 Weeks Until Brexit Vote
The Brexit Party Poses an Existential Threat to the Tories
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
RT @Harryslaststand: There is now talk that Theresa May will delay both #brexit talks & the Queen's speech which indicates the Tories aren't fit to govern.
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
RT @sanglesey: Tories: Thanks for voting Brexit, all you pensioners. As a reward, enjoy this kick in the teeth