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5 years ago
EU agrees Brexit extension to 31 January
5 years ago
Brexit: Johnson's deal legislation to fast-track rejected
5 years ago
EU's Tusk says he will recommend Brexit extension to avoid no-deal
5 years ago
EU's Tusk says he will recommend Brexit extension to avoid no-deal
5 years ago
Tusk to recommend ANOTHER 3-month Brexit extension to EU
5 years ago
Brexit extension still possible, says Tusk as MPs prepare to vote on Johnson's deal
5 years ago
EU will wait on UK Parliament before granting Brexit delay, but no-deal ‘will never be our decision,’ says Tusk
5 years ago
Britischer EU-Austritt: Tusk will No-Deal-Brexit verhindern
5 years ago
Tusk says Brexit discussions concluded & EU leaders have endorsed new deal
5 years ago
EU's Tusk says Brexit deal 'always better than a no-deal'
5 years ago
Finally? EU’s Tusk reveals ‘basic foundations’ for Brexit deal are ‘ready’
5 years ago
Brexit-Zwischenstand von Tusk: "EU könnte Deal theoretisch annehmen"
5 years ago
EU's Tusk says more tangible hopes for Brexit deal now than before
5 years ago
Brexit: EU und Großbritannien starten neue Verhandlungsrunde
5 years ago
Tusk tempers optimism on Brexit deal, says time is nearly up though agreement is still possible
5 years ago
EU's Tusk: Brexit deal may be possible but no guarantee of success as time is 'practically up'
5 years ago
Tusk attackiert Johnson: London glaubt nicht länger an Brexit-Deal
5 years ago
UK PM Johnson to talk to Donald Tusk about new Brexit deal: spokesman
5 years ago
UK PM Johnson told Tusk EU needs to move to reach Brexit deal: UK government spokeswoman
5 years ago
UK negotiator says Brexit deal is possible, Johnson to meet Tusk at U.N.
5 years ago
Boris Johnson: no deal would mean UK did not owe Brexit divorce bill
5 years ago
Johnson to tell EU's Tusk UK won't pay £39 billion under no-deal Brexit: Sky News
5 years ago
Leaving the cheap way: BoJo to tell Tusk that UK won’t pay £39bn under no-deal Brexit
5 years ago
'Mr No Deal': Johnson, Tusk spar on Brexit at G7
5 years ago
Johnson to Tusk: No, you're 'Mr No Deal'
5 years ago
Boris Johnson won’t like going down in history as ‘Mr. No-Deal,’ EU’s Tusk scoffs
5 years ago
Tusk has warned Johnson he won't co-operate on a no-deal Brexit.
5 years ago
Tusk: Boris Johnson must not become known as 'Mr No Deal'
5 years ago
No go for BoJo as Tusk rejects backstop bid, accuses PM of supporting return of Irish border
5 years ago
Meinung am Mittag: Brexit: Johnsons Angebot an die EU ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht
5 years ago
Brief an Tusk: Johnson wirbt für Nachverhandlungen zum Brexit-Deal
5 years ago
UK PM Johnson writes to Donald Tusk to propose Brexit deal changes
5 years ago
Donald Tusk: Johnson may make Brexit more exciting, but we won't budge
5 years ago
EU's Tusk proposes 12-month flexible Brexit extension: BBC
5 years ago
EU stellt sich aufs Chaos ein: "Der 12. April ist nun der 29. März."
5 years ago
Donald Tusk calls emergency EU summit over Brexit
5 years ago
Tusk stellt abermals längeren Brexit-Aufschub in Aussicht
5 years ago
Tusk: ‘Lots of space’ in hell for British MPs who vote against Brexit deal
5 years ago
Donald Tusk: No Brexit extension without green light for deal
5 years ago
EU's Tusk sees short Brexit delay if UK backs divorce deal
5 years ago
Brexit delay ‘possible,’ but conditional on UK parliament approving May’s deal – EU’s Tusk
5 years ago
EU-Ratschef: Tusk hält Brexit-Verschiebung für möglich - unter einer Bedingung
5 years ago
Donald Tusk says short Brexit extension is possible only if Parliament backs Theresa May's deal
5 years ago
Brexit: EU to allow article 50 extension only if MPs vote for deal, says Tusk – Politics live
6 years ago
Kurz vor Abstimmung: Überraschende EU-Wende im Brexit-Chaos
6 years ago
Rutte zu May: "Wach auf. Komm zu einem Ergebnis"
6 years ago
Donald Tusk says Brexit deal looks impossible
6 years ago
'Only positive solution': EU chiefs hint at 2nd referendum after May's Brexit deal defeat
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