After failing twice to get U.K. Parliament to vote on his Brexit deal, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to get a yes-or-no vote Tuesday
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to push for another Brexit vote today. The government says it now has the numbers to get it passed after a foiled first try
British lawmakers look set to delay a decisive Brexit vote, likely forcing Boris Johnson to request a further delay before the U.K. leaves the EU
Her Brexit plan has been rejected 3 times already, but the U.K.'s beleaguered prime minister, Theresa May, is promising a fourth vote. But its prospects look poor, as do Mrs. May's.
Ahead of key Brexit vote, many residents of U.K. manufacturing hubs closely linked to the bloc say they value their sovereignty above the economy
With the U.K.’s exit from the EU slated for March 29, Britain's divided Parliament appears likely to vote against the government's Brexit plan. What then?