@npr.org 2 months ago
The first post-Brexit election in Britain will be on July 4
@theatlantic.com 2 months ago
The Eerie Silence Over Brexit
@theatlantic.com 2 months ago
The Truth About Immigration and Public Opinion
@theconversation.com 2 months ago
Northern Ireland: the three electoral threats keeping the DUP awake at night
@faz.net 7 months ago
Hessens Unternehmen spüren den Brexit bis heute
@theguardian.com 7 months ago
UK walks away from post-Brexit Canada trade talks ‘over hormones in beef’ – business live
@theconversation.com 11 months ago
Why Labour's plan to 'rewrite Brexit' might not be as politically risky as it sounds
@politico.eu 11 months ago
After Brexit, Britain and Europe embrace ever-closer union
@rt.com 1 year ago
Most Britons regret Brexit vote – poll
@n-tv.de 1 year ago
Sieben Jahre später: 60 Prozent der Briten wollen zurück in EU
@fnp.de 1 year ago
Briten verloren nach Brexit-Votum Vertrauen in Politiker
@TheNewEuropean 1 year ago
Come hear what @campbellclaret really thinks about the damage Boris Johnson and Brexit wreaked on Britain. Limited tickets remain. Book now. June 29, Union Chapel, Islington. https://unionchapel.org.uk/venue/whats-on/seven-years-bad-luck-has-brexit-cursed-britain https://t.co/eIGpTwz7P2
@TheNewEuropean 1 year ago
Join Alastair Campbell, Bonnie Greer, Patience Wheatcroft, Tanit Koch and Matthew d'Ancona for a discussion on the damage Brexit has done to the UK. Tickets just £15 (£5 concession) - Union Chapel, Islington, N5. Thursday evening, June 29. Book NOW! https://unionchapel.org.uk/whats-on/seven-years-bad-luck-has-brexit-cursed-britain https://t.co/vYd8i3mdg3
@spiegel.de 1 year ago
Brexit: Britische Banker reisen zur Vertrauensbildung nach Berlin und Frankfurt
@rt.com 1 year ago
British premier defends Brexit
@qz.com 1 year ago
Thanks to Brexit, the UK paid an extra $1.4 billion in energy bills in 2022
Why post-Brexit Britain is still open for business – despite what Microsoft says
Brexit didn't trigger the mass exodus from the EU that was once feared – but nor did it leave Europeans wanting more from their union
New EU-UK trade deal has promise for Northern Ireland and US as well
@qz.com 1 year ago
The UK and the EU have reached an agreement on Northern Ireland
@n-tv.de 1 year ago
Breaking News: EU und Großbritannien einigen sich im Brexit-Streit
@abcnews.go.com 1 year ago
Irish leader: Brexit talks over N Ireland close to a deal
@n-tv.de 1 year ago
Berechnung des IFO-Instituts: EU-Auflösung würde deutschen Wohlstand gefährden
@politico.eu 1 year ago
Briefing wars escalate as nervous European Union and Britain enter Brexit endgame
@n-tv.de 1 year ago
Drei Jahre seit EU-Ausstieg: DIHK: Brexit "ein wirtschaftliches Desaster"
@dezeen.com 1 year ago
This week we revealed Brexit's impact on UK architecture studios
@dezeen.com 1 year ago
Dezeen survey finds 84 per cent of UK architecture studios want to reverse Brexit "catastrophe"
@rt.com 1 year ago
Brexit cost UK over £30 billion – study
@politico.eu 1 year ago
Brexit Britain trapped in the middle as U.S. and European Union go to war on trade
@fvw.de 1 year ago
Für Nicht-EU-Bürger: Warteschlangen an den Grenzen drohen
@fnp.de 1 year ago
Justizfall in London: Kommt das schottische Referendum?
@theatlantic.com 1 year ago
Don’t Blame Brexit
Brexit sparked greater attachment to the European Union in UK and EU citizens living abroad, survey suggests
@axios.com 1 year ago
British pound gets pounded as Liz Truss tax cut plan sinks in
Northern Ireland protocol row could damage good faith needed for post-Brexit trade deals
@abcnews.go.com 2 years ago
EU launches legal action against UK over post-Brexit changes
@abcnews.go.com 2 years ago
EU launches legal action against UK over post-Brexit changes
@abcnews.go.com 2 years ago
UK delays post-Brexit border checks until end of 2023
@n-tv.de 2 years ago
Fischexporte kaum noch rentabel: Brexit setzt den Falklandinseln hart zu
@abc.net.au 2 years ago
Boris Johnson sparks fury after comparing war in Ukraine to Brexit
@n-tv.de 2 years ago
Person der Woche: Macron: Der Möchtegern-Anführer führt Europas Schwäche vor
@fnp.de 2 years ago
Land im Herzen Europas spricht auf einmal von EU-Austritt - droht jetzt ein neuer „Brexit“?
@fnp.de 2 years ago
Land im Herzen Europas spricht auf einmal von EU-Austritt - droht jetzt ein neuer „Brexit“?
@fnp.de 2 years ago
Land im Herzen Europas spricht auf einmal von EU-Austritt - droht jetzt ein neuer „Brexit“?
@fnp.de 2 years ago
Land im Herzen Europas spricht auf einmal von EU-Austritt - droht jetzt ein neuer „Brexit“?
@fnp.de 2 years ago
Land im Herzen Europas spricht auf einmal von EU-Austritt - droht jetzt ein neuer „Brexit“?
@fnp.de 2 years ago
Land im Herzen Europas spricht auf einmal von EU-Austritt - droht jetzt ein neuer „Brexit“?
@fnp.de 2 years ago
Land im Herzen Europas spricht auf einmal von EU-Austritt - droht jetzt ein neuer „Brexit“?