Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Theresa May (and soon Nicola Sturgeon): the strange backbench lives of former national leaders 3 years ago
Nick Clegg, Facebook’s lead apologist, used to be a political idealist 3 years ago
UK strikes trade deal with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein 4 years ago
Our Brexit future? Come January, it looks more and more like 1980s Russia 4 years ago
Government to spend £700m on readying UK border for Brexit 4 years ago
EU citizens being used as guinea pigs for digital immigration system, MPs told 5 years ago
Can you work in the UK under its new points-based immigration system? 5 years ago
Tony Abbott used to promote pro-Brexit group despite having 'no affiliation' 5 years ago
Idle threat? Barnier reveals Theresa May ‘never’ used no-deal Brexit as bargaining chip 5 years ago
Brits won’t buy used car from Boris Johnson – but think he’ll be the one to steer them into Brexit 5 years ago
UK-taught developer 'devised software Russia used to try to sway Brexit vote' 5 years ago
The app that helped Trump win is targeting Australian voters 6 years ago
‘£171,000 being spent every hour on no-deal Brexit’: Corbyn lashes out at ‘wasteful’ UK govt
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
Brexit’s other looming cliff edge – The loss of EU funding used to help poorer parts of the UK has had far less attention than other ill effects of Brexit. But it will soon be hard to ignore the problem.
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
The loss of EU funding used to help poorer parts of the UK has had far less attention than other ill effects of Brexit. But it will soon be hard to ignore the problem.
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
Loss of #EU funding used to help poorer parts of the UK has had far less attention than other ill effects of #Brexit
@guardian 7 years ago
UK military ‘must not be used as bargaining chip’ in Brexit talks
@guardian 8 years ago
Scottish Claim of Right to be used in Brexit case against UK government