Northern Ireland: the three electoral threats keeping the DUP awake at night 2 months ago
Ignoring Welsh farmers’ protests is a dangerous move for politicians 1 year ago
Zehn Jahre auf der unbezwingbaren Insel 1 year ago
Nicht mehr nur Schottland: Großbritanniens Einheit steht auf dem Spiel 2 years ago
What Brexit Promised, and Boris Johnson Failed to Deliver
@TheNewEuropean 2 years ago
Like the rest of the UK, Wales has been repeatedly lied to over the benefits that will come from Brexit, @DelythJewellAM tells @ELongman_Rood 3 years ago
Großbritannien: „Die Union ist in jetziger Form am Ende“ - WELT 3 years ago
„Das Vereinigte Königreich ist in jetziger Form am Ende“ 3 years ago
„Das Vereinigte Königreich ist in jetziger Form am Ende“ 3 years ago
5 Jahre Brexit: Englische Nostalgie
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
This week's podcast is part 1 of our May 6 election preview @RobynVinter goes to Hartlepool to talk Starmer, Brexit and the NIP @auriol_miller on Wales’ most unpredictable elections ever 🤡 Plus: What listeners would text to Boris Johnson 3 years ago
Friday evening news briefing: Covid vaccines for all over-50s by May
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Poll finds Brexit-backing Wales would vote to rejoin EU
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Poll finds Brexit-backing Wales would vote to rejoin EU 3 years ago
Großbritannien: Urlaub mit Brexit 3 years ago
Both Britain & EU say post-Brexit agreement is a great deal! Now Scotland, Ireland and Wales want in on the action 3 years ago
Monday evening news briefing: Wales to enter 17-day 'sharp and deep' lockdown
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Interview: former first minister of Wales @AMCarwyn on depression, Brexit, indy-curiosity and being bumped off Celebrity Mastermind for Bez
Scotland and Wales are being treated as bystanders in a Brexit that doesn't work for them 3 years ago
‘Attack on democracy & Tory power grab’: British Union members slam upcoming Internal Market bill
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Campaigners turn their backs on Brexit Party in Wales after proposing abolition of Senedd
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
“Mark Reckless appears to be running the Brexit Party in Wales as a dictatorship," fumed one.
@TheNewEuropean 3 years ago
Campaigners turn their backs on Brexit Party in Wales after proposing abolition of Senedd
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all called for a Brexit extension
@WSJ 4 years ago
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are emerging from lockdown at different speeds, straining a union already under pressure from the Brexit vote
@WSJ 4 years ago
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are emerging from the lockdown at different speeds, straining a union already under pressure from the Brexit vote 4 years ago
Man’s ‘Independent England’ campaign undermined by one fatal geographical error 4 years ago
Sorge in Wales: Der Brexit trifft das britische Armenhaus
Brexit: research from Wales shows creative industry’s concern at leaving EU
@guardian 4 years ago
Many EU citizens in Wales 'don't feel welcome' to stay after Brexit
@TheNewEuropean 4 years ago
It means Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will have most likely rejected the Brexit deal - but the government will press ahead with it 4 years ago
Brexit: Premier Johnson mit kuriosem Appell an Bürger - doch ein wichtiges Thema lässt er aus 4 years ago
Brexit: Boris Johnson hat kuriosen Appell an Bürger - doch ein wichtiges Thema lässt er aus 4 years ago
Brexit: Boris Johnson mit kuriosem Appell an Bürger - doch gerade ein Thema lässt er aus 4 years ago
Brexit: Spalten sich Schottland, Nordirland und Wales jetzt ab? Wie Johnson die Bewegungen stärkt 4 years ago
Johnsons Brexit: Unabhängigkeit von Schottland, Nordirland und Wales? - Austrittsdatum steht fest | Politik - 4 years ago
Brexit: Spalten sich Schottland, Nordirland und Wales ab? Wie Johnson die Bewegungen stärkt 4 years ago
Johnsons Brexit: Austrittsdatum endgültig klar - Queen bricht mit Uralt-Tradition | Politik - 4 years ago
Johnson's win may deliver Brexit but could risk UK's breakup 4 years ago
Wahl-Ergebnisse in Wales: Sieg für Johnson und erste weibliche Konservative an der Macht 4 years ago
Wahlergebnisse in Wales: So stimmen die einstigen Brexit-Befürworter ab 4 years ago
Wahlergebnisse in Wales: So stimmen die einstigen Brexit-Befürworter ab 4 years ago
Welsh Labour leader backs Jeremy Corbyn's neutral Brexit stance 4 years ago
BoJo’s Brexit deal would smash £70bn hole in UK economy - the size of Wales
@guardian 4 years ago
English people living in Wales tilted it towards Brexit, research finds 4 years ago
English people living in Wales tilted it towards Brexit, research finds
NHS is so valuable to Wales that its whole economy could be affected by Brexit fallout 4 years ago
Boris Johnson: Die Brexit-Optionen schmelzen dahin -