Earlier this year, Theresa May offered a teary resignation after years of criticism over her Brexit approach. But this week, the tables had turned. nyti.ms
As Theresa May heads to Brussels to plead for more time to scrape together a Brexit deal, her party is shedding members. Nick Boles dramatically resigned from the party last week and now feels emboldened to speak out. Listen to Today in Focus: theguardian.com t.co
EU leaders move toward giving Theresa May 7 more weeks for Brexit, but only if her divorce deal gets approved by Parliament before Friday of next week on.wsj.com
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May was told that Parliament could not vote a third time on her government's plan for Brexit unless the plan substantially differed from the one rejected last week nyti.ms
By the tiniest of margins, the British Parliament declined to wrest control of Brexit from Prime Minister Theresa May. That sets the stage for a third vote next week on her unloved withdrawal plan. nyti.ms
By the tiniest of margins, the British Parliament declined to wrest control of Brexit from Prime Minister Theresa May. That sets the stage for a third vote next week on her unloved withdrawal plan. nyti.ms
Jeremy Corbyn said the chances of a no confidence vote this week are significantly increased if Theresa May loses the Brexit vote. theneweuropean.co.uk
It was difficult to recall, in the gloom and resignation of this week, that Brexit had at one point made some people happy. But gloom also seems to be part of a considered strategy by Prime Minister Theresa May. nyti.ms
Is this the week that Boris Johnson finally leaves his cabinet position? Even if it is, neither he nor any other Brexit hard-liner can be assured of toppling Theresa May in a leadership contest. nyti.ms
Is this the week that Boris Johnson finally leaves his cabinet position? Even if it is, neither he nor any other Brexit hard-liner can be assured of toppling Theresa May in a leadership contest. nyti.ms
This week will be a critical one for Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain as she faces a number of votes that could decide the fate of the Brexit process and of her government nyti.ms