Trust in politics is in long-term decline around the world – new research
The UK's island identity has long shaped its political outlook – is that why it currently feels so adrift? 5 years ago
Patrick Stewart: ‘Star Trek: Picard’ A Response To The ‘F***ed’ World Of Brexit, Trump 5 years ago
The Most Powerful Women In Politics 2019 5 years ago
Conall McAteer shows us the oscillating nature of political opinions on social media 5 years ago
US beats Switzerland in ‘richest nation’ rating, while global wealth slumps due to trade war & Brexit
Brexit: how the people are using 'news avoidance' to escape the post-truth world of politics
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Promising Brexit, the new Conservative Party leader will take over with less political clout than just about any prime minister since World War II
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Promising Brexit, the new Conservative Party leader will take over with less political clout than just about any prime minister since World War II by @ddknyt, @_StephenCastle and @benjmueller
@TheNewEuropean 5 years ago
The Last Night Of The Proms should not be a political occasion, the chief of the world-famous music festival has said, despite tensions over Brexit. 5 years ago
Proposed UK passport design by Mark Noad "truly represents our standing in the world" 6 years ago
Paths from the past: historians make sense of Brexit and our current political turmoil 6 years ago
In a Brexit-Trump world, Tracey Ullman gets more topical than ever 6 years ago
The Foreign Leaders Trump Favors 6 years ago
The Reinvention of America
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
"Brexit is playing with dangerous political forces at a time when the world is unstable and nationalists and conspiracists are in the ascendant." 7 years ago
The Atlantic Daily: How the World Works
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
The Brexit vote shocked the world, but wider political impact so far is mixed at best