Trust in politics is in long-term decline around the world – new research 4 years ago
The Guardian view on Irish politics: an enviable beauty is born | Editorial 5 years ago
The Most Powerful Women In Politics 2019
The politics of Trump and Brexit inspired the creator of this year's biggest PlayStation exclusive
Brexit: how the people are using 'news avoidance' to escape the post-truth world of politics 5 years ago
British politics in chaos after "rebels" try to block Boris Johnson's plan 5 years ago
Tech’s impact on politics post-Brexit: a darker world or a force for good? | Politics: Where Next? podcast 6 years ago
Brexit vs the world: Is Britain too self-obsessed? | Politics: Where Next? podcast
@guardian 6 years ago
Brexit: Japanese PM tells May 'whole world' wants her to avoid no deal - Politics live 6 years ago
The deadline for the UK’s “Brexit” from the European Union is looming
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Philip Hammond dismisses Boris Johnson’s Brexit plans as “fantasy world” politics and says he'll never be PM.
@guardian 6 years ago
Theresa May says a no-deal Brexit 'wouldn't be the end of the world' | Politics | The Guardian 6 years ago
The Reinvention of America
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
"Brexit is the Flat Earth Theory of politics, with one major difference: with Brexit, there really is an edge of the world."
@WSJ 8 years ago
Greg Ip: How politics, not economics, will affect Brexit's impact on world
@guardian 8 years ago
EU referendum: Boris Johnson says Brexit 'would not lead to world war three' - Politics live