Despite the chaos of the fuel crisis and other pandemic- and Brexit-induced problems, Boris Johnson’s ‘competency ratings’ are still holding up, while Keir Starmer is not making huge inroads.
For the first time in two years of negotiations over Brexit, Parliament voted on a catalog of alternatives to Prime Minister Theresa May's plan. None won a majority, but once-radical options like holding a second referendum got more support than expected.
"John Bercow is one of the few heroes of Brexit. He has made it possible for parliament to do its job of holding the government accountable to the people"
"This policy of treading a fine line for the sake of holding Labour’s vote together is, in these final stages of the Brexit negotiation process, a dereliction of duty."
The talent behind an effigy of Boris Johnson - complete with red Brexit bus shoes and holding EU cake - have an important message for the foreign secretary
Britain’s trade prospects are one of the biggest elements that is holding the support of Brexit together. But it is a sham. @RichardAngell explains more.
Theresa May has been accused of "holding the country hostage" as it emerged she has abandoned plans to publish a detailed blueprint of her government's Brexit plans