Michel Barner: how Mr Brexit rose from the ashes of Emmanuel Macron’s fire to become French prime minister
@theconversation.com 3 months ago
Brexit boredom is one thing – but there’s a real problem when Britain’s leaders won’t even talk about Europe anymore
@theconversation.com 5 months ago
‘I might as well stop and diversify into holiday lets’ – new research reveals the reality of farming after Brexit
@theconversation.com 5 months ago
Young people in Britain aren’t bad at learning languages – but the school system doesn’t make it easy for them
Why so many people have had enough of experts – and how to win back trust
Brexit didn't trigger the mass exodus from the EU that was once feared – but nor did it leave Europeans wanting more from their union
Why Britain’s new CPTPP trade deal will not make up for Brexit
How food shortages affect shopping habits and why people keep switching stores
Northern Ireland protocol: why Tory backbenchers are rebelling over Rishi Sunak's revised Brexit deal
Brexit sparked greater attachment to the European Union in UK and EU citizens living abroad, survey suggests
Is it embarrassing to be an expat? Brits living abroad are distancing themselves from the term after Brexit
How Brexit and the loss of free movement have made life harder for mixed British-European families
Four ways Brexit and the loss of free movement have made life harder for mixed British-European families
Farmers are finding a new following on social media – our research suggests it could help with isolation
The UK–Australia trade deal is not really about economic gain – it's about demonstrating post-Brexit sovereignty
Why are British sausages being blocked from entry into Northern Ireland? The dispute explained
How should the British countryside look post-Brexit? We asked the public
Brexit: UK pound has not crashed yet, but here's why it will probably suffer in years to come
What are Australian-style and Canadian-style Brexit trade deals?
EU court case sees British citizen seek post-Brexit rights in France
How Brexit put an end to the election of Britons living in rural France
British people now define themselves as 'Leavers' or 'Remainers' – so what happens after Brexit?
Agriculture Bill: here's what it means for farming and the environment after Brexit
Brexit could spell the end of globalization, and the global prosperity that came with it
What the British public thinks about post-Brexit trade deals
The British election explained in five key phrases
How important is NATO to British defence policy?
British people hardly ever thought about the EU before Brexit, now it dominates their lives
Last Night of the Proms: flags and fanfare can't hide the divisions in Brexit Britain
How EU families in Britain are coping with Brexit uncertainty
Why the UK could regret angering Canada by stripping IS suspect Jack Letts of British citizenship
Dinard: a very British film festival on the coast of France – so what happens after Brexit?
EU silence over British seizure of Iranian tanker is a telling glimpse of post-Brexit future
Five constitutional questions the next British prime minister must urgently answer
Brexit is a rejection of the Good Friday Agreement
Brexit Q+A: how Britons can prepare for being in the EU for a no-deal scenario
All too hard: understanding Brexit, Theresa May and the British humiliation
Q+A: Theresa May offers to stand down as British prime minister, but there's a catch
The myth of British good-humour and resilience was born during World War II and is about to die a Brexit death