@abc.net.au a year ago NT aged care facility in lockdown as one third of residents test positive for COVID-19
@nytimesworld 2 years ago The country’s strict coronavirus restrictions dictate the patterns of daily life, like waiting in line for frequent Covid tests and stocking up on extra groceries in case of lockdown. nyti.ms
@n-tv.de 3 years ago 33 neue Corona-Fälle entdeckt: Peking weitet Tests auf fast alle Einwohner aus
@zeit.de 3 years ago Corona-Pandemie in China: Pekings Einwohner fürchten weiteren harten Lockdown - zeit.de
@spiegel.de 3 years ago Explodierende Corona-Fallzahlen: Chinas Militär soll alle 26 Millionen Einwohner Shanghais testen - DER SPIEGEL
@sueddeutsche.de 3 years ago Corona weltweit: Den Niederlanden droht Lockdown noch vor Weihnachten
@tagesspiegel.de 3 years ago Maßnahmen sollen bis März gelten: Ampel-Parteien einigen sich auf Corona-Katalog - Tagesspiegel
@thedailybeast.com 3 years ago 30,000 Park-Goers in Disneyland Lockdown Panic Over One COVID Case in Halloween Nightmare
@abc.net.au 4 years ago Victoria pushes for more COVID tests as cases and mystery infections climb
@spiegel.de 4 years ago Corona-News am Samstag: Großbritannien reduziert Preise für Corona-Test – und Iran geht in den Lockdown
@tagesspiegel.de 4 years ago Erste Beschlüsse bei Corona-Gipfel : Kostenpflichtige Tests für Ungeimpfte ab Inzidenz von 35 - Tagesspiegel
@welt.de 4 years ago Kostenpflichtige Schnelltests? Günther bringt ein konkretes Datum ins Spiel
@nytimesworld 2 years ago The most unsettling part of life in “zero Covid” China is the utter arbitrariness. You’re under lockdown, until someone decides you’re not. You can take daily Covid tests, and still be blocked from boarding a plane. nyti.ms
@abc.net.au 3 years ago Beijing eases COVID restrictions after two-month lockdown, but restaurants and public transport rely on clear tests
@n-tv.de 3 years ago 33 neue Corona-Fälle entdeckt: Peking weitet Tests auf fast alle Einwohner aus - n-tv NACHRICHTEN
@WSJ 3 years ago Beijing residents stocked up on essentials in anticipation of a possible lockdown as China’s capital began mass Covid-19 tests of people living or working in the city’s Chaoyang district on.wsj.com
@n-tv.de 3 years ago 8,26 Millionen Tests am Montag: Shanghai sperrt Millionen Menschen in Wohnungen ein
@abc.net.au 3 years ago NT records zero new cases of COVID linked to Katherine outbreak, but hundreds of tests delayed by storms
@deutschlandfunk.de 3 years ago Corona-Pandemie - "Es droht ein neuer Lockdown" - Deutschlandfunk
@abc.net.au 3 years ago 'We are not ready': Island nation of Tonga records first COVID-19 case
@abc.net.au 4 years ago NT records no new COVID-19 cases on first full day of lockdown
@n-tv.de 4 years ago "Pandemie der Ungeimpften": Merkel und Söder drohen mit Lockdown für Impfverweigerer - n-tv NACHRICHTEN
@tagesspiegel.de 4 years ago Coronavirus in Deutschland: Bund und Länder planen volle Freiheit für Geimpfte - und das Ende kostenloser Tests - Tagesspiegel
@welt.de 4 years ago Corona: Daniel Günther (CDU) fordert schnell kostenpflichtige Tests - WELT
@nytimesworld 2 years ago The most unsettling part of life in “zero Covid” China is the utter arbitrariness. You’re under lockdown, until someone decides you’re not. You can take daily Covid tests, and still be blocked from boarding a plane. nyti.ms
@aljazeera.com 3 years ago Shanghai starts dismantling fences ahead of COVID lockdown end
@tagesschau.de 3 years ago Chinas Null-Covid-Politik: Angst vor Lockdown in Peking - tagesschau.de
@theguardian.com 3 years ago Shanghai lockdown: some parents allowed to stay with Covid-positive children after backlash
@guardian 3 years ago A run through the snow, PCR tests and no guests: a wedding in China’s Covid lockdown theguardian.com
@bz-berlin.de 3 years ago Steigende Corona-Zahlen – Niederlande gehen in einen neuen Lockdown - B.Z. – Die Stimme Berlins
@welt.de 3 years ago „Besuchsverbot ist schlimmer als die Corona-Gefahr“
@abc.net.au 3 years ago Second Melbourne anti-lockdown protester tests positive to COVID-19
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Coronavirus live news: New South Wales goes into lockdown; cost of NHS Covid tests for UK arrivals reduced
@n-tv.de 4 years ago "Pandemie der Ungeimpften": Merkel und Söder drohen mit Lockdown für Impfverweigerer
@n-tv.de 4 years ago Vor der Corona-MPK: Laschet präsentiert Fünf-Punkte-Plan
@abc.net.au 4 years ago No lockdown but SA intensifies restrictions as daughter of new case now tests positive
@nytimesworld 2 years ago The most unsettling part of life in “zero Covid” China is the utter arbitrariness. You’re under lockdown, until someone decides you’re not. You can take daily Covid tests, and still be blocked from boarding a plane. nyti.ms
@axios.com 3 years ago Beijing braces for COVID lockdown with mass testing and panic buying
@WSJ 3 years ago Beijing residents stocked up on essentials in anticipation of a possible lockdown as China’s capital began mass Covid-19 tests of people living or working in the city’s Chaoyang district on.wsj.com
@n-tv.de 3 years ago Corona in China: Neuinfektionen auf Höchstwert - trotz Lockdown in Shanghai - n-tv NACHRICHTEN
@theconversation.com 3 years ago What the "let it rip" COVID strategy has meant for Indigenous and other immune-compromised communities
@spiegel.de 3 years ago Corona-News: EMA macht weg frei für zwei neue Covid-Medikamente
@theguardian.com 3 years ago Beijing school pupils in lockdown after staff tests positive for Covid
@abc.net.au 4 years ago Truck driver who came to WA returns positive COVID-19 test but no lockdown planned, grand final to go ahead
@guardian 4 years ago Coronavirus live news: New South Wales goes into lockdown; cost of NHS Covid tests for UK arrivals reduced theguardian.com
@sueddeutsche.de 4 years ago Bund-Länder-Beschlüsse: Druck auf Ungeimpfte wächst
@spiegel.de 4 years ago Corona-News am Montag: IW: Vierter Lockdown würde zehn Milliarden Euro kosten
@abc.net.au 4 years ago Sunshine Coast man tests positive for COVID-19 hours before lockdown set to lift