@forbes.com 4 years ago Health Systems Strained To The Limit As COVID-19 Surges In Nepal
@spiegel.de 4 years ago Himalaja: Erste Bergsteiger in dieser Saison auf Mount Everest gestorben
@sueddeutsche.de 4 years ago Mount Everest: Am Gipfel der Pandemie
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Nepal urges Everest climbers to return used oxygen canisters amid Covid crisis
@abc.net.au 4 years ago China to create 'line of separation' at Everest summit on COVID-19 fears
@thedailybeast.com 4 years ago Indians Run for the Exits, Taking COVID Risks With Them to Nepal, Dubai From a Dying Nation
@guardian 4 years ago Nepal reports 19 positive Covid tests at Dhaulagiri base camp theguardian.com
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Everest Covid outbreak throws climbing season into doubt
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago Virus surge, vaccine shortages spread beyond India's borders
@n-tv.de 4 years ago Hubschrauber holt Bergsteiger ab:Corona-Virus erklimmt Mount Everest - n-tv NACHRICHTEN
@guardian 4 years ago ‘It’s as if there’s no Covid’: Nepal defies pandemic amid a broken economy theguardian.com
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago Thousands protest in Nepal against PM dissolving Parliament
@nytimesworld 4 years ago Two climbers, a Swiss-Pakistani and an American, have died on Mount Everest, the first fatalities of a busy climbing season as a second wave of the coronavirus batters Nepal nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 4 years ago As hospitals in Nepal strain to cope with a fast-growing coronavirus outbreak, relief groups in the Himalayan nation are asking mountain climbers to hand over their used oxygen cylinders so that they can be refilled for Covid-19 patients. nyti.ms
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Coronavirus live news: India variant ‘of concern’ globally, says WHO; Pfizer vaccine approved for US 12-15-year-olds
@choice.npr.org 4 years ago China To Set Up 'Line Of Separation' On Mount Everest, Citing Nepal COVID-19 Outbreak
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Coronavirus live news: Johnson to announce timetable for lifting England restrictions
@guardian 4 years ago Nepal facing ‘human catastrophe’ similar to India’s amid Covid surge theguardian.com
@choice.npr.org 4 years ago COVID-19 Reaches Mount Everest, As Nepal Struggles With Record Infections
@abc.net.au 4 years ago Indian double-mutant COVID strain found in neighbouring Nepal as cases explode
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago Nepal starts 15-day COVID lockdown as infections spike
@n-tv.de 4 years ago Hubschrauber holt Bergsteiger ab: Corona-Virus erklimmt Mount Everest
@theguardian.com 4 years ago ‘It’s as if there’s no Covid’: Nepal defies pandemic amid a broken economy
@WSJ 4 years ago As the sprint to try to reverse the spread of Covid-19 has turned into a marathon, Nepal and other developing countries say they can't afford to fight on.wsj.com
@nytimesworld 4 years ago “What is happening in India right now is a horrifying preview of Nepal’s future if we cannot contain this latest Covid surge,” the chairwoman of the Nepal Red Cross said.  nyti.ms
@BBCWorld 4 years ago As India halts vaccine exports, Nepal faces its own Covid crisis bbc.in
@guardian 4 years ago Nepal says its Covid response is under control – everyone can see it’s not true theguardian.com
@n-tv.de 4 years ago "Trennungslinie" wegen Corona: China will Bergsteiger auf Everest separieren
@rt.com 4 years ago China to set up ‘line of separation’ at summit of Mount Everest to protect its climbers amid Covid-19 spike in Nepal
@pressat.co.uk 4 years ago Nepal on the verge of becoming the next Covid hotspot
@theguardian.com 4 years ago India’s neighbours close borders as Covid wave spreads across region
@guardian 4 years ago Nepal facing deadly Covid wave similar to India, doctors warn theguardian.com
@spiegel.de 4 years ago Covid-19-Infektionen: Wie Nepal mit der indischen Mutante kämpft
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago World Bank rolls out COVID vaccine funds for poor Asian nations
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago 'Pharmacy of the World will deliver': India begins COVID-19 vaccine exports
@spiegel.de 4 years ago Fernreise in der Corona-Krise: Und wenn gar nichts mehr geht: Afrika?
@nytimesworld 4 years ago Bangladesh is 1.5 million vaccine doses short of what it needs to administer second shots. Nepal's hospitals are overflowing. As India's Covid crisis spills over to its neighbors, “we are still waiting for the worst,” a doctor in Nepal said. nyti.ms
@BBCWorld 4 years ago As India halts vaccine exports, Nepal faces its own Covid crisis bbc.in
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Nepal says its Covid response is under control – everyone can see it’s not true
@guardian 4 years ago Nepal is being overwhelmed by Covid. We need help | KP Sharma Oli theguardian.com
@abc.net.au 4 years ago Nepal faces COVID-19 crisis as infections spill over Indian border
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Nepal facing ‘human catastrophe’ similar to India’s amid Covid surge
@rt.com 4 years ago Red Cross warns 'Covid variants are running rampant across Asia’ as India’s crisis spills over into neighbor Nepal
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Nepal facing deadly Covid wave similar to India, doctors warn
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago Nepal COVID infections surge, fuelled by India’s mutant strains
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago Mt Everest-bound Bahraini prince probed over COVID vaccine ‘gift’
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago 'Pharmacy of the World will deliver': India begins COVID-19 vaccine exports
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago Nepal to offer free COVID-19 tests and treatment as cases surge