@latenight 3 years ago Russian Spy Steals COVID Vaccine Blueprint, Southwest Leaves Thousands Stranded | The Tonight Show
@rt.com 3 years ago CDC says WHO-approved vaccines OK for foreign travelers entering US – reports
@makthes.gr 3 years ago Αρχίζει και πάλι η αξιολόγηση για την έγκριση του Sputnik V από τον Π.Ο.Υ.
@makthes.gr 4 years ago Η ερευνητική ομάδα που ανέπτυξε το Sputnik V σε εκδήλωση στην Ελλάδα
@rt.com 4 years ago Let's see how Sputnik V works 'in real life': Putin reveals he had close contact with Covid-19 infected person 'for a whole day'
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago India’s COVID vaccine supply jumps, raising export hopes
@faz.net 4 years ago Corona-Impfungen in San Marino: Sputnik reicht nicht für die Pizzeria
@welt.de 4 years ago Russland – Sputnik V mit 83 Prozent Wirksamkeit gegen Delta-Variante
@n-tv.de 4 years ago Sputnik-Zulassung nicht absehbar: Von der Leyen bemängelt fehlende Impf-Daten
@guardian 4 years ago Coronavirus live news: Russia to test mixing AstraZeneca and Sputnik V vaccines; Tokyo hits record daily cases theguardian.com
@WSJ 4 years ago Russia’s sovereign-wealth fund invested about $200 million to develop the Sputnik vaccine. “We became a virtual pharma company to fight Covid,” said the fund’s CEO. “This is something I want to tell my grandchildren.” on.wsj.com
@rt.com 4 years ago Real-world evidence clearly shows Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 jab both ‘safe & effective,’ British science journal Nature reports
@rt.com 3 years ago Russia STOLE formula for Sputnik V Covid-19 jab, UK’s conspiracy-loving spies allege. Moscow says if you believe them, seek help
@makthes.gr 3 years ago Ο ΠΟΥ βρίσκεται "κοντά στην επίλυση των ζητημάτων" για το ρωσικό εμβόλιο Sputnik V
@spiegel.de 3 years ago Coronavirus: Sputnik-V-Geimpfte haben keinen Anspruch auf Impfzertifikat
@rt.com 4 years ago WHO says ‘no change’ in Sputnik V approval process after official claims it was ‘suspended’
@forbes.com 4 years ago Russia’s Vladimir Putin Self-Isolating After Possible Covid Exposure
@rt.com 4 years ago As Delta variant rages, Saint Petersburg study finds Sputnik V vaccine is 81% effective at preventing Covid hospitalizations
@rt.com 4 years ago Russia proposes Pfizer test Sputnik Light as Covid booster shot after report of mRNA vaccines’ lowered efficacy against Delta
@makthes.gr 4 years ago Κορονοϊός: Το εμβόλιο Sputnik V είναι περίπου 83% αποτελεσματικό κατά της παραλλαγής Δέλτα
@rt.com 4 years ago EU accepts San Marino’s Covid-19 vaccine certificates – vast majority of people in tiny European state received Russia's Sputnik V
@rt.com 4 years ago Russia delivers HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of vaccine doses to Syria as part of massive aid package – Defense Ministry
@rt.com 4 years ago Russia & China using ‘vaccine diplomacy’ for political gain, Berlin says, as EU delays approval of Moscow’s Sputnik V Covid-19 jab
@iefimerida.gr 4 years ago Κορωνοϊός: Το Μεξικό παρήγαγε την πρώτη δοκιμαστική παρτίδα του Sputnik-V
@makthes.gr 3 years ago Δημοσίευμα βγαλμένο από ταινία του Bond συνδέει τα εμβόλια της Astrazeneca και Sputnik V
@rt.com 3 years ago EU blames RUSSIA for delay in bloc approving Moscow’s Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine, claiming it’s Kremlin that’s politicizing jabs
@rt.com 3 years ago Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine finally set for WHO approval following removal of barriers, health minister says
@rt.com 4 years ago WHO pauses approval process for Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine after factory found in breach of ‘good manufacturing practices’
@rt.com 4 years ago Single shot of Sputnik V effective against Covid hospitalization & deaths among elderly – Argentine study published by The Lancet
@rt.com 4 years ago In EU first, Hungary reveals plans to start producing Sputnik V Covid vaccine in 2022 as talks with Russia move to advanced stage
@rt.com 4 years ago ‘Politics’ prevents highly-effective Sputnik V’s approval by WHO & European regulator – leading Australian epidemiologist to RT
@rt.com 4 years ago San Marino’s health minister stands by Sputnik V as nation faces EU travel problems, blames delayed approval on ‘political issues’
@BBCWorld 4 years ago Countries across the world say they've been let down by broken promises and stalled deliveries of Russia's Sputnik V Covid vaccine bbc.in
@rt.com 4 years ago Argentina to consider buying Covid-19 vaccines from US after Russia delays in delivering millions of doses of Sputnik V - reports
@rt.com 4 years ago ‘Racism, imperial hegemony & neo-Nazism’: Russian Foreign Ministry slams suggestion that EU shouldn’t recognize Sputnik V vaccine
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Putin says he was jabbed with Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine
@sueddeutsche.de 3 years ago Coronavirus-Newsblog für Bayern: Bayern setzt Verhandlungen über Sputnik fort
@gazzetta.gr 3 years ago Ο ΠΟΥ θα ξαναρχίσει σύντομα την αξιολόγηση του ρωσικού εμβολίου Sputnik V
@rt.com 3 years ago Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine successfully completes third & final phase clinical trials among elderly, Health Minister reveals
@iefimerida.gr 4 years ago Κορωνοϊός: Το Ιράν ενέκρινε το ρωσικό μονοδοσικό εμβόλιο Sputnik-Light
@n-tv.de 4 years ago Coronavirus-Liveticker: +++ 23:24 Slowakei beendet Impfungen mit russischem Sputnik V +++ - n-tv NACHRICHTEN
@rt.com 4 years ago Russian scientists develop new variant of Sputnik V vaccine, modified to deal with fast-spreading deadly Delta strain of Covid-19
@rt.com 4 years ago 69 countries & millions of jabs later, Sputnik V is a year old: Russia marks milestone for world’s 1st registered Covid-19 vaccine
@rt.com 4 years ago Russia’s top EU envoy blasts Brussels for ‘politicizing’ Covid-19 vaccines & blames ‘Big Pharma’ over delay in approving Sputnik V
@theconversation.com 4 years ago Growing evidence suggests Russia's Sputnik V COVID vaccine is safe and very effective. But questions about the data remain
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Argentina threatens to cancel deal for Sputnik vaccine as Russia fails to deliver
@rt.com 4 years ago EU asks Russia for talks on Covid-19 jab certificates for travel, as France urges bloc to turn away tourists who've had Sputnik V
@n-tv.de 4 years ago Höchstwert an neuen Corona-Toten: Impfling Putin sucht Nachahmer