After months of delays, a team of World Health Organization scientists tracing the pandemic’s origin began its field work on Friday in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the coronavirus was first detected. years ago
Can the WHO team in Wuhan discover the origins of COVID-19? The obstacles are many years ago
US and China clash following call for 'transparent' COVID-19 investigation
@faz.net4 years ago
WHO auf Spurensuche in China - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung years ago
Members of WHO team investigating origin of COVID-19 miss flight to Wuhan due to coronavirus test results
@nytimesworld4 years ago
W.H.O. experts landed in Wuhan to begin tracing the origins of the coronavirus outbreak, Chinese state media said. But the team faces many hurdles.
@theguardian.com4 years ago
China agrees to let in WHO team investigating Covid origins
Better late than never: WHO sending team to China to investigate coronavirus origins
@dailydot.com5 years ago
MIT model anticipates an ‘explosion’ in coronavirus cases if lockdowns end too early
@nytimesworld5 years ago
A soccer team from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, has been marooned in Spain since January. But as the outbreak worsens in Europe, they can't wait to get home.
@nytimesworld5 years ago
China’s ruling Communist Party, bending to public pressure, said on Friday that it would send a team to investigate the issues surrounding a whistle-blower doctor who had died hours earlier in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak years ago
WHO team to begin face-to-face meetings with China experts
@theguardian.com4 years ago
WHO team exits Wuhan quarantine to start Covid fact-finding mission
@spiegel.de4 years ago
WHO-Team untersucht erstmals Ursprünge der Pandemie in Wuhan: »In dieser Geschichte gibt es ein dunkles Loch« - DER SPIEGEL
@youtube.com4 years ago
SUCHE NACH "CHINA-VIRUS": Experten-Team der WHO soll in Wuhan Corona-Quelle finden - WELT Nachrichtensender
@rt.com4 years ago
2 WHO experts stuck in Singapore for more antibody tests as rest of team arrive in China’s Wuhan for fact-finding mission
@nytimesworld4 years ago
More than a year after the coronavirus emerged in China, a team of World Health Organization experts finally arrived in Wuhan to begin hunting for its source, state media reported
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
China says WHO expert panel on COVID will arrive on Jan 14 years ago
Coronavirus update: WHO team in China had 'extensive discussions' with scientists in Wuhan
@sueddeutsche.de5 years ago
Umstrittene Corona-Doku: Wenn Peking Bilder liefert - Süddeutsche Zeitung
@theconversation.com5 years ago
Explainer: what is contact tracing and how does it help limit the coronavirus spread?
@rt.com5 years ago
‘You know you’re in the sh*t!’ Social media sees irony as Wuhan football team quits coronavirus-hit Spain to return HOME
@rt.com5 years ago
Coronavirus: China women's football team QUARANTINED in Australia ahead of match over killer virus fears
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
WHO team meets Chinese scientists as COVID investigation begins
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
WHO team to start Wuhan COVID investigation in market, lab
@spiegel.de4 years ago
WHO-Team untersucht Corona-Ursprünge: »In dieser Geschichte gibt es ein dunkles Loch«
@choice.npr.org4 years ago
COVID-19 Origin Study: WHO Team Arrives In Wuhan To Investigate
@guardian4 years ago
China records first Covid death since May as WHO team arrives in Wuhan
@WSJ4 years ago
Six months after China and the World Health Organization drew up a plan to figure out how coronavirus spread to humans, China has yet to reveal what it has found. A team of WHO specialists land in Wuhan on Thursday on a mission to find out.
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
How did the pandemic begin? WHO team to seek answers in China
@rt.com5 years ago
WHO’s team in China ‘interviewed Wuhan scientists’ over coronavirus origins
@sueddeutsche.de5 years ago
Umstrittene Corona-Doku im Fernsehen: Wenn Peking die Bilder liefert
@sueddeutsche.de5 years ago
Trainer des FC Wuhan im Interview: "Als wären wir Viren auf zwei Beinen"
@reuters.com5 years ago
China investigates release of coronavirus-infected inmate in Hubei years ago
Chinese soccer team quarantined in Brisbane hotel amid coronavirus fears
@guardian4 years ago
WHO team exits Wuhan quarantine to start Covid fact-finding mission
@theguardian.com4 years ago
White House: 'great concern' over Covid origin 'misinformation' from China
@faz.net4 years ago
Ursprung des Coronavirus: WHO auf Spurensuche in China
@guardian4 years ago
Coronavirus live news: Lebanon begins 11-day, 24-hour curfew; WHO team arrives in Wuhan
@rt.com4 years ago
WHO fact-finding mission arrives in China’s Wuhan to investigate origins of Covid-19
@WSJ4 years ago
Six months after China and the World Health Organization drew up a plan to figure out how coronavirus spread to humans, China has yet to reveal what it has found. A team of WHO specialists land in Wuhan on Thursday on a mission to find out.
@rt.com4 years ago
WHO sending Covid-hunting team to Wuhan, China in January to probe origins of pandemic
@rt.com5 years ago
WHO team probing origins of coronavirus to work with Chinese scientists in Wuhan
@sueddeutsche.de5 years ago
Militär-WM: Der Husten des Olympiasiegers
@faz.net5 years ago
Corona-Pandemie: Fußball-Team „flüchtet“ aus Spanien – nach Wuhan
@WSJ5 years ago
The star player of the Chinese women's national soccer team is training for the Tokyo Olympics alone on a rooftop in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus, where she is under quarantine