Trump Holds First Fully Indoor Rally in Months Despite His Own Officials’ COVID Advice
@wsj.com5 years ago
Coronavirus Update: Trump to Halt Immigration, States Drain Unemployment Funds
@dailywire.com5 years ago
Al Gore: ‘Burning Of Fossil Fuels’ A Pre-Condition ‘For Higher Death Rates From COVID-19’
@LateNightSeth5 years ago
Late Night White House Briefing: President Trump, What Could Get You Out of Office?
@WSJ5 years ago
More American states reported record tallies of coronavirus infections on Sunday, as President Trump said some flare-ups of new cases were like “burning embers” and flames that need to be put out
@dailywire.com5 years ago
Trump, After Clashing With Chris Wallace Over COVID Fatality Numbers: ‘Number One Low Mortality Rate’