Republicans press White House on communications with social media platforms
@thehill.com5 years ago
FCC rejects petition to probe broadcasts of Trump coronavirus briefings
@forbes.com4 years ago
Low Marketing Impact: Omnicom Group Stock Will Not Return To Pre-Covid Level
@thehill.com5 years ago
Senators urge FCC to ensure all students have access to internet during school closures
@variety.com5 years ago
Telecom CEO Battles Coronavirus on the Job and at Home
@thehill.com5 years ago
Union, consumer advocacy groups call for telecom giants to ensure internet access as coronavirus spreads
@nytimesworld5 years ago
The famed @ClaridgesHotel in London is now offering rooms to medical workers fighting the coronavirus. “We felt that Claridge’s and all our hotels had a duty to step up,” said the director of communications for the Maybourne Hotel Group.
@thehill.com5 years ago
Democratic senators urge FCC to let schools use funds for student internet access