@foxnews.com 4 years ago White House releases new coronavirus precautions for residence staff amid President Trump's diagnosis
@snopes.com 5 years ago Aides Scramble to Defend Trump’s Use of Unproven Drug
@foxnews.com 4 years ago Trump campaign hosts 'Call to Prayer' for President Trump and first lady amid their coronavirus diagnoses
@foxnews.com 5 years ago Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding
@foxnews.com 5 years ago House chairman asks CDC boss to testify on reopening schools amid coronavirus
@foxnews.com 5 years ago House pulls bill that would rescind prior Trump travel ban amid coronavirus outbreak
@inquisitr.com 5 years ago Nancy Pelosi Slams Trump’s Withdrawal From WHO Amid Pandemic As ‘Act Of Extraordinary Senselessness’
@foxnews.com 5 years ago Trump's top economic adviser pushes payroll tax holiday through end of 2020