@cbsnews.com 3 years ago Special Report: Biden calls on Cuomo to resign
@WSJ 3 years ago The U.S. will donate 500 million additional doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to developing countries, President Biden is expected to announce on.wsj.com
@axios.com 4 years ago U.S. has donated more than 110 million COVID vaccine doses to 60 countries, White House says
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago Biden outlines vaccine plan, set to miss global-sharing goal
@snopes.com 4 years ago Biden to Lay out COVID-19 Vax Donations, Urge World Leaders to Join
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago Biden announces first plans for 80 million COVID-19 vaccine doses going overseas
@cbsnews.com 4 years ago Biden touts number of COVID vaccinations in first 100 days in office
@cbsnews.com 4 years ago Biden to move up deadline for COVID vaccine eligibility to April 19
@foxnews.com 4 years ago Biden announces new COVID vaccine goal at press conference: 200M shots in first 100 days
@WSJ 4 years ago President Biden is directing his administration to secure an additional 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine by the end of the year, a senior administration official said on.wsj.com
@dailywire.com 4 years ago ‘It’s A Mess’: Team Biden Loses Track Of 20 Million COVID-19 Doses: Report
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago Biden to announce purchase of 200M more doses of Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccines
@LateNightSeth 3 years ago Southwest Contradicts Fox News, Says Chaos Not Caused by Vaccine Mandate: A Closer Look
@LateNightSeth 3 years ago Rudy Giuliani Insists He Wasn't Drunk During Rambling 9/11 Speech: A Closer Look
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago White House’s global COVID jab distribution plan hits a snag
@WSJ 4 years ago President Biden said Friday would mark a milestone of 300 million shots of the Covid-19 vaccine administered in the U.S., but warned the Delta variant could soon become dominant in the U.S. on.wsj.com
@rt.com 4 years ago White House announces it will donate HALF A BILLION doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine to low-income countries
@snopes.com 4 years ago Biden Boosting World Vaccine Sharing Commitment to 80M Doses
@foxnews.com 4 years ago Biden falsely claims 200 million shot milestone would have taken until September under Trump
@cbsnews.com 4 years ago Biden addresses border crisis, filibuster, reelection during first press conference as president — watch in full
@WSJ 4 years ago President Biden said the U.S. is expected to meet by Friday his goal of administering 100 million Covid-19 vaccine doses since he took office, weeks ahead of his 100-day timeline on.wsj.com
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago Biden to push for an additional 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine
@cbsnews.com 4 years ago Biden administration boosts vaccine supply to states, aims to buy 200 million doses by end of summer
@vox.com 4 years ago Biden is ordering 200 million more Covid-19 vaccine doses
@cbsnews.com 3 years ago Eye Opener: COVID doses readied for 20 million eligible Americans
@forbes.com 4 years ago U.S. Ships Nearly Half A Million Covid-19 Vaccine Doses To Rwanda
@WSJ 4 years ago The White House on Monday detailed plans to allocate 55 million Covid-19 vaccine doses it is donating overseas, saying the shipments would likely take longer than President Biden’s initial target of sending them out by the end of June on.wsj.com
@rt.com 4 years ago EU hits milestone of 300mn shots administered against Covid-19, says von der Leyen
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago Biden announces first 25 million vaccine doses going to India, others facing 'surges'
@WSJ 4 years ago President Biden will pledge to export an additional 20 million Covid-19 vaccine doses to other countries by the end of June, a White House official said on.wsj.com
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago Venezuela to produce Cuban COVID vaccine: Maduro
@abc.net.au 4 years ago Biden pledges to double US COVID-19 vaccine goal within his first 100 days in office
@abcnews.go.com 4 years ago Biden to highlight vaccine as US nears 100 millionth shot
@foxnews.com 4 years ago Biden warns COVID-19 cases 'could go back up' as variants emerge, despite vaccination progress
@cbsnews.com 4 years ago Biden unveils plan to boost COVID vaccine supply amid lagging rollout
@dailywire.com 4 years ago Biden Administration Blames Delay In Vaccine Rollout On Trump White House
@WSJ 3 years ago The U.S. will donate 500 million additional doses of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to developing countries, President Biden said Wednesday on.wsj.com
@rt.com 4 years ago Trump takes credit for Covid vaccine rollout that saved ‘100 million people,’ but says inoculation should be voluntary
@nytimes.com 4 years ago U.S. Outlines Plan to Send 55 Million Covid Vaccine Doses Overseas
@cbsnews.com 4 years ago Special Report: Biden speaks on global COVID-19 vaccine effort
@rt.com 4 years ago Biden announces US plan to donate 25 million doses of coronavirus vaccine with the rest of the world
@abc.net.au 4 years ago European Union secures a potential 1.8 billion doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
@cbsnews.com 4 years ago Biden to move up deadline for COVID vaccine eligibility to April 19
@WSJ 4 years ago President Biden announced a new target of administering 200 million Covid-19 vaccine doses within his first 100 days in office. “It’s ambitious—twice our original goal,” Biden said. “I believe we can do it.” on.wsj.com
@cbsnews.com 4 years ago Eye Opener: COVID-19 relief bill approved by Congress
@WSJ 4 years ago President Biden on Thursday marked the 50 millionth Covid-19 vaccine dose to be administered since he took office. The administration is on track to exceed its goal of 100 million shots given during Biden's first 100 days in office. on.wsj.com
@rt.com 4 years ago Biden vows to procure vaccines for 300 million Americans by summer, but says masks ‘best defense’ against Covid-19 for now
@nytimes.com 4 years ago Why Biden Inherited a Covid-19 Vaccine Supply Unlikely to Grow Before April