Thomas Massie dismisses conspiracy theories surrounding wife’s death
@dailydot.coma year ago
‘They will now be known as Waynotfair’: Wayfair worker reveals moment she’s laid off
@dailydot.com2 years ago
‘Don‘t take her to a super spreader event’: Mom wants to take daughter with ‘dangerous’ bacterial infection to the Eras Tour. The internet disagrees
@dailydot.com3 years ago
‘Domino’s don’t owe you nothing’: Woman chides Domino’s worker for canceling after she was 76 cents short, sparking debate
@dailydot.com3 years ago
‘I have the right to be able to breathe O2 not CO2’: Karen refuses to wear mask in store, so she calls 911 in viral TikTok
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘AntiVaxMomma’ charged after TikToker blows up fake vaccination card ring
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘I will spray you like an insect’: Senior citizen uses Lysol to take down maskless Karen
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Video: White ‘Karen’ refuses to properly wear mask on train in Taiwan
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Video shows ‘Costco Ken’ calling woman ‘c*nt’ and ‘Corona cop’ after she asks him to wear mask
@dailydot.com4 years ago
1st person to get Pfizer’s COVID vaccine already beset by conspiracies
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Video shows ‘Lip Injection Karen’ hurling homophobic slurs at anti-lockdown march
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Woman yells ‘f*ck Black Lives Matter’ at Black barista who asked her to wear mask
@dailydot.com9 months ago
‘Got so much worse and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s’: Woman says get this checked out if you’ve had COVID
@dailydot.coma year ago
‘I got a voicemail from a manager’: Job-seeker shares how she tricks employers into giving her an interview
@dailydot.com2 years ago
‘I really hope I make you think about what you’re doing to your baby’: Anti-vaxxer confronts pregnant woman at Walgreens over vaccinations
@dailydot.com3 years ago
‘I would legitimately call CPS over that’: Woman tried to donate her breast milk to a mother in need, but was rejected because she was COVID vaccinated
@dailydot.com3 years ago
‘It’s a public bench’: Woman confronts Karen who didn’t want to share a bench at the mall in viral TikTok
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Woman licks items around grocery store on Instagram, believes it helps ‘fortify your immune system’
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘What are you going to do? Arrest me?’: An anti-mask Karen to a cop right before getting arrested at bank
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Tiffany Haddish allegedly doxed Black doctor who argued with her on Clubhouse about COVID
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Woman denies COVID test results, blows up on receptionists in viral video
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘Nursing Home Karen’ abruptly ends woman’s visit with sickly mom after refusing to check her ‘blue lips’
@dailydot.com4 years ago
TikToker gets dragged for bragging about ‘tricking’ her friend into going to packed bar during pandemic
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Carnival ‘Karen’ argues with ride operator, starts fist fight
@dailydot.coma year ago
Have you seen a woman get pregnant since 2021? Prominent COVID skeptic says vaccine eliminated childbirth
@dailydot.coma year ago
‘I don’t want to get your waitstaff sick’: Woman says restaurant demanded $100 fee to cancel reservation after she found out her roommate has COVID
@dailydot.com2 years ago
Why COVID vaccine skeptics now claim shots cause uncontrollable leg shaking
@dailydot.com3 years ago
Woman falls ill after encountering escaped lab monkeys—sparking new pandemic fears, wild conspiracy theories
@dailydot.com3 years ago
‘Karens in the air’: Woman brings microphone onto airplane to rant about COVID-19 in viral TikTok
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Video: Door-to-door salesman shows astounding persistence after woman tells him her husband has COVID
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘Thank you for protecting all of us’: People are lauding a TikToker who confronted maskless passenger on bus
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Video: Woman fakes convulsions, says it’s a side effect of COVID-19 vaccine
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Mom dies after son’s plea for ICU bed goes viral on Facebook
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘Karen’ berates Salvation Army workers for wearing masks
@dailydot.com4 years ago
USPS worker sides with anti-masker, kicks out woman for advocating for masks
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘Karen’ refuses to share elevator with Black man, tells him to get out
@dailydot.coma year ago
‘There’s a mystery virus spreading around the U.S.A.’: Woman tested negative for COVID—but had COVID symptoms for 3 weeks
@dailydot.coma year ago
‘You can’t even buy a pack of gum for $1’: Woman questions the $1 margaritas at Applebee’s
@dailydot.com2 years ago
‘That is just below a 100% rent increase’: Woman says rent increased from $2,100 to $4,175
@dailydot.com3 years ago
‘She probably know he lying’: Viral TikTok of woman sneaking child in through window after dad says he has COVID and can’t take care of them sparks debate
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘She probably chose Maderna because she knew she couldn’t spell Fizur’: Fake vaccine card sparks memes
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘Is that your own hair? It’s beautiful’: Black TikToker’s interaction with white woman sparks debate
@dailydot.com4 years ago
A woman needed a double lung transplant. Then, she caught COVID from the new organs and died
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Grieving woman whose husband died from COVID confronts anti-mask Karen
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Oregon woman who mocked COVID protocols no longer working as nurse
@dailydot.com4 years ago
‘I am willing to die for my religion’: People point to woman’s old tweet after she catches COVID, asks for prayers
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Mom bites, stabs daughter with pencil during online class
@dailydot.com4 years ago
Woman says she receiving death threats over Trump COVID-19 video