Gavin Newsom Cites Dubious Evidence That His Lockdowns Saved California's Economy
@dailywire.com4 years ago
Media Wanted To Believe Florida Was Fudging COVID-19 Data, But The Story Is A Fraud
@foxnews.com4 years ago
Chicago mayor, Illinois governor clash over coronavirus restrictions
@foxnews.com5 years ago
Trump says Michigan's Whitmer 'doesn't have a clue' after she calls him 'biggest threat' to US
@foxnews.com5 years ago
Cuomo pushes to accelerate infrastructure projects after meeting with Trump
@foxnews.com5 years ago
San Diego mayor urges Newsom to let counties decide when to reopen, calls governor's plan 'not realistic'
@foxnews.com5 years ago
Georgia’s Kemp downplays criticism from Trump: report
@dailywire.com5 years ago
Virginia Plan To Reopen Economy Could Take Two Years
@dailywire.com5 years ago
After Huge Protest, Washington Governor Says He May Soon Open State’s Economy
@foxnews.com5 years ago
Cuomo and Trump spar after NY governor says don’t 'pass the buck without passing the bucks' for reopening of economy
@variety.com5 years ago
California Governor Says No Mass Gatherings For Foreseeable Future
@foxnews.com5 years ago
New Jersey's Murphy says state won't soon be 'dialing back' social distancing guidelines
@realclearpolitics.com3 years ago
No One Should Lose Their Job Over Vax Mandate
@WSJ4 years ago
From @WSJopinion: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was vilified for rejecting harsh lockdowns. But Florida’s Covid-19 numbers are better than California’s or New York’s, and its economy thrives, writes
DeSantis: Florida 'not going back' on coronavirus reopening, despite new case surge
@foxnews.com5 years ago
Arkansas Gov. Hutchinson optimistic about economic recovery despite recent high in new COVID cases
@foxnews.com5 years ago
California county threatens Gov. Newsom with lawsuit over coronavirus lockdown measures
@realclearpolitics.com5 years ago
We Will Be Data-Driven on Re-Opening Oklahoma
@foxnews.com5 years ago
Fox News Poll: Biden tops Trump in Michigan, where Gov. Whitmer is more popular than president
@foxnews.com5 years ago
Lindsey Graham warns Georgia's move to restart economy may be 'too fast too soon'
@rt.com5 years ago
NY gov Cuomo mandates masks after offering New Yorkers as GUINEA PIGS for coronavirus vaccine
@WSJ5 years ago
New York state is emerging from the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, and officials have begun planning a reopening of the region’s economy in coordination with nearby states, Gov. Cuomo said
@truthout.org5 years ago
Texas Lt. Governor Says Seniors Should Risk Dying of COVID-19 to Protect Economy
@foxnews.com4 years ago
Texas Gov. Abbott says declining COVID numbers, day with zero deaths prove opening economy was 'right move'