@theatlantic.com 3 years ago Seriously, Why Not Get a Fourth Shot?
@forbes.com 5 years ago CDC: Here Are 6 New Possible Symptoms Of COVID-19 Coronavirus
@reason.com 4 years ago Biden Keeps Pushing Dubious Arguments for CDC Supremacy
@theslot.jezebel.com 5 years ago Trump Administration Can’t Promise You’ll Be Able To Afford Coronavirus Vaccine
@WSJ 4 years ago Airlines and transportation officials are at odds with the CDC over whether people who test negative for Covid-19 before traveling should still have to quarantine when they arrive in the U.S., people familiar with the matter say on.wsj.com
@rt.com 5 years ago ‘Just a question of when’: CDC warns Americans coronavirus may cause ‘SEVERE’ disruption of everyday life
@realclearpolitics.com 5 years ago We Didn't Appoint Fauci Dictator During This Crisis