Nearly a fifth of Australia’s Covid vaccine stock binned amid warning of fresh wave of cases
@theslot.jezebel.com4 years ago
The Great Jabbing Is Coming
@rt.com3 years ago
Vaccine rollout not hitting target, Russia’s deputy PM warns, as nationalist party leader calls for jab refusal to be made illegal
@variety.com4 years ago
Hollywood Elite in COVID-19 Vaccine Scramble: ‘It’s the Hunger Games Out There’
@rt.com4 years ago
‘Plenty of vaccines from East & West’: Hungary opts out of EU’s new Covid-19 jab deal securing 1.8 billion Pfizer shots for bloc
@WSJ4 years ago
Indonesia became the first country outside China to give emergency use approval to Sinovac's Covid-19 vaccine, despite findings that place the candidate’s efficacy among the lowest for new coronavirus vaccines
@rt.com4 years ago
New Zealand makes Pfizer its primary vaccine supplier after AstraZeneca jab concerns