The true tally of Covid-19 deaths in India is likely close to 10 times higher than the country’s official count, making the pandemic one of the worst tragedies to ever hit the South Asian nation, according to a new study
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@WSJ4 years ago
The true tally of Covid-19 deaths in India following a spring surge is likely close to 10 times higher than the country’s official count, marking the pandemic as one of the worst tragedies to ever hit the South Asian nation, according to a new study
@WSJ4 years ago
The true tally of Covid-19 deaths in India following a spring surge is likely close to 10 times higher than the country’s official count, marking the pandemic as one of the worst tragedies to ever hit the South Asian nation, according to a new study
@theguardian.com4 years ago
Coronavirus live news: 4 million excess deaths in India, study suggests, as official Covid toll passes 414,000