Virus season roars back with "quad-demic" of illness
@forbes.com10 months ago
With H5N1 Bird Flu Virus Spreading, How Safe Is Cow Cuddling Now?
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Accra's most vulnerable residents were failed during COVID - the government didn't understand their realities
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Tuberculosis on the rise for first time in decades after COVID-19 interrupted public health interventions and increased inequality
@theatlantic.com2 years ago
Is COVID Immunity Hung Up on Old Variants?
@theatlantic.com2 years ago
Will Nasal COVID Vaccines Save Us?
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Still recovering from COVID-19, US public transit tries to get back on track
@nytimesworld2 years ago
China mourned Li Wenliang as a hero for warning others about the spread of the Covid virus -- and then dying from it. But key details in the government report on his final days may be wrong, including his time of death. We investigated.
@theconversation.com3 years ago
Direct-acting antivirals can cure hepatitis C and prisons are now leading efforts to eliminate the virus
@dailywire.com3 years ago
World Health Organization Warns COVID ‘Nowhere Near Over’
@forbes.com3 years ago
Monkeypox Or Monkey Business: The Administration’s Love Affair With Control
@theconversation.com3 years ago
Social media spreads rumours about COVID vaccine harms ... but it doesn't always start them
@theconversation.com2 months ago
Which infectious disease is likely to be the biggest emerging problem in 2025?
@theconversation.coma year ago
Conspiracy theorist tactics show it’s too easy to get around Facebook’s content policies
@reason.com2 years ago
The Lab Leak Theory Still Counts as Misinformation in a New Study of COVID-19 Claims
@theatlantic.com2 years ago
Now Is the Perfect Time to Role-Play a Pandemic
@thedailybeast.com2 years ago
Brazil Is Just the Latest Victim of the Global Fascism Virus
@fastcompany.com2 years ago
Pharmacies are limiting sales of children’s cold and flu medicines. Here are their policies
@realclearpolitics.com2 years ago
China's Uprisings Present an Opportunity to the West
@nytimesworld2 years ago
China mourned Li Wenliang as a hero for warning others about the spread of the Covid virus -- and then dying from it. But key details in the government report on his final days may be wrong, including his time of death. We investigated. years ago
There's fresh focus on using masks to slow COVID-19. So can you reuse masks?
@theconversation.com3 years ago
Human catches COVID from a cat – here's why this new evidence is not cause for panic
@nytimesworld3 years ago
The monkeypox virus is not nearly as contagious as the coronavirus, and most experts agree that it does not spread far through the air. But transmission may happen at short distances, some experts said.
@theguardian.com3 years ago
North Korea’s Covid outbreak likely ‘getting worse’, WHO says
@theatlantic.com6 months ago
A New Way to Track Americans’ Drug Use year ago
Some states say COVID cases are up before Christmas. Here's what may be behind the rise
@theconversation.com2 years ago
What happens in our body when we encounter and fight off a virus like the flu, SARS-CoV-2 or RSV?
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Why focusing on COVID deaths undercounts the health harms of the pandemic – new research
@theguardian.com2 years ago
China Covid: experts estimate 9,000 deaths a day as US says it may sample wastewater from planes
@npr.org2 years ago
You can order free COVID tests again by mail
@thedailybeast.com2 years ago
What Medicine Keeps Getting Wrong About Long COVID—and How to Fix It
@theguardian.com3 years ago
Marshall Islands, haven from Covid for two years, gets 3,000 cases in space of weeks
@theconversation.com3 years ago
New COVID variants may be more transmissible but that doesn't mean the R0 – or basic reproduction number – has increased
@forbes.com3 years ago
What Google And Apple's Collaboration Can Teach Companies Working With Health Data
@nytimesworld3 years ago
The monkeypox virus is not nearly as contagious as the coronavirus, and most experts agree that it does not spread far through the air. But transmission may happen at short distances, some experts said.
@theatlantic.com3 years ago
The Atlantic Daily: When You Get COVID Again and Again
@qz.com9 months ago
Moderna's mRNA bird flu vaccine trial is close to getting U.S. government funding
@theconversation.coma year ago
COVID mutates rapidly in white-tailed deer, but here's why we don't need to worry – for now
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Pandemic babies behind on communication at age two – but other developmental areas remain unaffected
@theconversation.com2 years ago
COVID origins debate: what to make of new findings linking the virus to raccoon dogs
@WSJ2 years ago
Covid-19’s rapid spread in China might help answer a question much of the world has been asking for a year: Is Omicron truly a milder version of the virus?
@aljazeera.com2 years ago
China says ‘impossible’ to track COVID spread as virus surges
@WSJ2 years ago
New offshoots of the Omicron Covid-19 variant that virus experts say appear to spread easily are on the rise in the U.S., with the BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 subvariants estimated to represent a combined 11.4% of Covid-19 cases by mid-October
@reason.com3 years ago
CDC No Longer Recommends Social Distancing, Masks in Schools Unless Spread Is High
@thedailybeast.com3 years ago
Could the Flu Uncover the Next Pandemic?
@choice.npr.org3 years ago
Airbnb officially bans parties at its listings in a new policy
@axios.com3 years ago
Monkeypox is spreading; can contact tracing help contain it?
@aljazeera.com3 years ago
‘Like Wuhan all over again’: As Shanghai protests, China censors