@thisiscolossal.com 5 years ago Dramatic Pastel Drawings of Shifting Glacial Landscapes by Zaria Forman
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago The NHS is now the UK’s most relevant brand, knocking Apple off top spot
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Stranger Things’ Eleven and anime inspired Alex Grigg’s Global Climate Strike film
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Assemble, Do Ho Suh and Studio Micat to create installations at V&A for LDF
@publishingperspectives.com 6 years ago Frankfurt’s Publishing Perspectives Talks: Climate, Women’s Leadership, Blockchain
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Anti-Gone is a mixed reality performance set in a post-climate change world
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Adapt on how reading terrifying news about the climate crisis motivates its impactful work
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Glug is on a mission to create the world’s largest database of climate protest posters
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Marvel at these typographic posters designed by Karl-Heinz Drescher in East Germany
@thisiscolossal.com 6 years ago Meditative Murals by Fintan Magee Depict Everyday People Lost in Imaginative Moments
@thisiscolossal.com 6 years ago Repurposing the World’s Plastic Waste: An Interview With Assemblage Sculptor Thomas Deininger
@nytimes.com 6 years ago Why Is Hollywood So Scared of Climate Change?
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Food for thought on the day the Global Climate Strike begins
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Why UKSCN didn’t boycott Designs of the Year
@itsnicethat.com 6 years ago Rankin, Antony Gormley and Mr Bingo donate works to Extinction Rebellion auction