@reason.com 5 years ago Facebook Is Right to Let the Lying Trump Ad About Biden Stand
@thehill.com 5 years ago Facebook rejects Biden request to remove Trump Ukraine ad
@thehill.com 6 years ago Laid-off journalists launch first ad campaign targeting Google, Facebook
@guardian 6 years ago Facebook, Fox and NBC pull racist Trump election campaign ad – live trib.al
@WSJ 8 years ago Facebook plans a major ad campaign to encourage more of its 1.7 billion users to stream live video on.wsj.com
@guardian 5 years ago BP’s “possibilities everywhere” ad campaign on Facebook was launched just weeks after it joined big oil companies to use a “community” group to fight against a bill restricting fracking in Colorado theguardian.com
@inquisitr.com 5 years ago DNC Calls Out Facebook After Donald Trump’s Campaign Runs Ad Tying Joe Biden To Ukraine Corruption
@thedailybeast.com 6 years ago Joe Biden’s Simple but Pricey Facebook Ad Strategy: Target the Olds
@cjr.org 6 years ago Facebook blocks racist Trump ad, but the damage is already done
@WSJ 9 years ago Facebook plans a campaign against ad blockers On Snapchat: on.wsj.com WSJ: on.wsj.com twitter.com
@thehill.com 5 years ago Warren calls out Facebook for refusing to remove anti-Biden ad
@dailydot.com 6 years ago Facebook pulls Trump re-election ad for targeting ‘strong women’
@theintercept.com 6 years ago AIPAC Targets Bernie Sanders in Facebook Ads Focused on Key Democratic Primary States
@guardian 6 years ago Facebook, Fox and NBC pull racist Trump election campaign ad – live trib.al
@dailydot.com 5 years ago Facebook won’t take down Trump’s anti-Biden ad
@thehill.com 6 years ago Facebook pulls Trump campaign ad violating platform's policy
@vox.com 6 years ago Fox News, NBC, and Facebook pulled Trump’s racist campaign ad. He’s not happy about it.
@fastcompany.com 7 years ago Report: The Trump campaign basically taught Facebook how to use its own ad platform