@snopes.com 3 years ago Facebook Parent Meta Posts First Revenue Decline in History
@WSJ 4 years ago Brands trying to reach homebound shoppers boosted Amazon’s U.S. digital ad revenue and market share in 2020, heating up competition with Google and Facebook on.wsj.com
@cjr.org 5 years ago Facebook threatens to block Australian news if law goes ahead
@rt.com 5 years ago Trade war ignited? UK risks wrath of US after vowing to go ahead with digital tax on tech giants like Google and Facebook
@WSJ 5 years ago Italy’s move to join France in levying a digital tax could deepen tensions with the U.S. on how to tax companies such as Facebook and Google on.wsj.com
@rt.com 5 years ago Russia considering imposing digital tax on Google & Facebook
@WSJ 5 years ago Are Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon using monopoly power to extend their dominance over the digital marketplace? That’s the core question antitrust enforcers are asking on.wsj.com
@rt.com 6 years ago Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple to testify in Washington against French digital tax
@forbes.com 6 years ago Judgment Day Looms for Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago The news industry is joining the attack against big tech companies like Google and Facebook
@WSJ 6 years ago Who gets to tax digital giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon? As nations clamor for a share, the search for a compromise is under way. on.wsj.com
@cjr.org 7 years ago As China expands digital surveillance, Facebook and Google risk legitimizing regime
@forbes.com 3 years ago Are The Emerging Titans Of AdTech Credible Competition To Google And Facebook?
@snopes.com 4 years ago West Virginia Newspaper Publisher Sues Google, Facebook
@forbes.com 5 years ago Google Ads Vs. Facebook Ads: Which Platform Offers The Best ROI?
@WSJ 5 years ago Steven Mnuchin says Italy and Britain will face U.S. tariffs if they proceed with a tax on digital companies such as Google and Facebook on.wsj.com
@abc.net.au 5 years ago Facebook and Google market power to be subject to digital code of conduct
@nytimesworld 5 years ago Europe's digital czar will have unmatched regulatory reach at a time when public anger is rising over issues like privacy, disinformation and the enormous reach of Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook into the every day lives of billions of people. nyti.ms
@forbes.com 6 years ago Google, Facebook, and Amazon: From Duopoly To Triopoly of Advertising
@theconversation.com 6 years ago We can put a leash on Google and Facebook, but there's no saving the traditional news model
@thehill.com 6 years ago Google, Facebook partner with advertisers on 'digital safety'
@axios.com 6 years ago Joe Biden surges past Trump on Facebook and Google spending
@rt.com 6 years ago Happy New Year, big tech! France starts taxing Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon
@cjr.org 7 years ago The platform patrons: How Facebook and Google became two of the biggest funders of journalism in the world
@forbes.com 3 years ago Meredith Earnings Reflect Google, Facebook Ad Dominance
@theconversation.com 4 years ago The old news business model is broken: making Google and Facebook pay won't save journalism
@reuters.com 5 years ago Australia to force Google, Facebook to pay domestic media to use content
@snopes.com 5 years ago Facebook Again Declines to Limit Political Ad Targeting
@WSJ 5 years ago Listen: In today’s What’s News podcast, we explain how Facebook, Twitter and Google are making their own rules about digital political advertising as federal regulation of those ads are virtually absent on.wsj.com
@nytimesworld 5 years ago Europe's digital czar will have unmatched regulatory reach at a time when public anger is rising over issues like privacy, disinformation and the enormous reach of Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook into the every day lives of billions of people. nytimes.com
@abc.net.au 6 years ago Analysis: Amazon, Facebook and Google hit back at tax on digital sales, warn of trade wars
@theconversation.com 6 years ago Consumer watchdog calls for new measures to combat Facebook and Google's digital dominance
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago This chart shows just how much Facebook, Google and Amazon dominate the digital economy (FB, GOOG, AMZN)
@fastcompany.com 6 years ago One year in, GDPR seems to have helped Google & Facebook
@qz.com 6 years ago The UK is going after Facebook and Google with a digital services tax
@WSJ 7 years ago In a digital advertising market dominated by Google and Facebook, publishers are teaming up to win campaigns on.wsj.com
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago Facebook, Google and Amazon are having a banner year and it's causing ad prices to spike — here's exactly how much
@WSJ 4 years ago In the latest proof of digital advertising’s meteoric rise, more than half of U.S. advertising spending is set to go to digital platforms such as Google and Facebook this year, as the coronavirus pandemic causes shifts in marketers’ strategy on.wsj.com
@forbes.com 5 years ago Who Gets Access To Your Facebook And Google Accounts When You Die?
@businessinsider.com 5 years ago France and the US have two weeks to reach a compromise over a controversial tax on Google, Facebook, and other digital companies.
@forbes.com 5 years ago Facebook Ads Versus Google Search Ads: A Heavyweight Marketing Clash For The Ages
@WSJ 5 years ago Are Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon using monopoly power to extend their dominance over the digital marketplace? That’s the core question antitrust enforcers are asking. on.wsj.com
@thehill.com 6 years ago Hillicon Valley: Trump alleges Google manipulated voters against him | Hillary Clinton fires back | Twitter, Facebook take down misinformation targeting Hong Kong protests | Trump delays penalty on Huawei | Tech giants slam French digital tax at hearing
@forbes.com 6 years ago Get Ready To Buy Google, Apple, Facebook And Amazon
@axios.com 6 years ago Newspaper publishers take fight with Google and Facebook to Congress
@forbes.com 6 years ago BUNZ Pays Users For Their Personal Data - Google and Facebook Be Warned - This Is The Future
@WSJ 6 years ago Countries across the world are exploring the EU’s idea of levying digital taxes on tech giants like Facebook and Google on.wsj.com
@WSJ 7 years ago EU says it is ready to propose new tax taxes on digital companies like Facebook and Alphabet’s Google on.wsj.com