@businessinsider.com 4 years ago As Facebook prepares to outsource tough content decisions to its new 'Supreme Court,' experts warn it still operates within a dictatorship and can't legislate a better government (FB)
@businessinsider.de 5 years ago Facebook reveals new details about its plan to build a supreme court to oversee content moderation on its platform (FB)
@businessinsider.com 5 years ago Facebook announced the first 20 members of its oversight board that will decide what controversial content is allowed on Facebook and Instagram (FB)
@businessinsider.de 5 years ago Facebook is spending $130 million to create a 'Supreme Court' that can overrule Mark Zuckerberg — here's everything we know about it (FB)
@businessinsider.com 5 years ago Europe's top court rules that EU courts can order Facebook to take down illegal content worldwide (FB)