WH-Directed Censorship on Facebook Worse Than on Twitter
@wsj.com5 years ago
House Committee Grills Facebook, Google CEOs on Alleged Bias
@variety.com5 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg Can Be Overruled by Facebook’s New Oversight Board on Content Decisions
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook should be liable for 'some content,' but the social giant and other platforms still shouldn't be regulated as publishers or telecom firms
@cjr.org5 years ago
Campaign organizers say Facebook boycott will continue
@thehill.com6 years ago
Facebook CEO calls for more regulation in wake of New Zealand mosque shootings
@cjr.org4 years ago
Five Days of Facebook Fact-Checking
@aljazeera.com5 years ago
Facebook boss backs tighter rules on 'harmful online content'
@abc.net.au6 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg asks governments to control internet content
@theguardian.com4 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook is not 'a rightwing echo chamber'
@thehill.com5 years ago
Zuckerberg: Facebook's 'new approach' is 'going to piss off a lot of people'