WH-Directed Censorship on Facebook Worse Than on Twitter
@forbes.com3 years ago
Can SoFi - Social Media DeFi - Topple Facebook And Twitter?
@theguardian.com5 years ago
Turkish MPs to vote on bill that could block Facebook and Twitter
@WSJ5 years ago
Twitter is banning political advertising, taking the opposite position of rival Facebook as social-media companies debate whether paid content should be held to higher standards #WSJWhatsNowt.co
@cjr.org6 years ago
Unlike Facebook, Twitter’s new ad rules give media outlets a free pass
@politico.eu2 years ago
Facebook, Twitter to face new EU content rules by Aug. 25
@rt.com4 years ago
UK warns Facebook, Twitter & other social platforms to better protect users from harmful content or face huge fines
@cbsnews.com5 years ago
Unilever joins Facebook ad boycott over racist content
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
A US senator has introduced a bill that would stop Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube from endlessly showing you content, in an attempt to keep users from getting addicted to social media
@fastcompany.com2 years ago
3 key takeaways on election integrity from ex-Twitter, Facebook employees
@variety.com4 years ago
TikTok Rallies Facebook, Twitter and Other Social Media Platforms to Regulate Harmful Content
@forbes.com5 years ago
The Role Of Social Media In Moderating Trump: Facebook Versus Twitter
@qz.com6 years ago
Twitter, Facebook, and Insta bans send the alt-right to Gab and Telegram
@WSJ3 years ago
A federal appeals court blocked Florida from enforcing the bulk of a new state law that sought to make social-media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook potentially liable for removing political candidates and political content from their sites on.wsj.com
@rt.com5 years ago
Turkish parliament approves bill that would give Facebook & Twitter 48 hours to remove ‘offensive content’
@theguardian.com5 years ago
Trump draft order could expose Twitter and Facebook to more lawsuits
@fastcompany.com6 years ago
The tech giant fighting anti-vaxxers isn’t Twitter or Facebook. It’s Pinterest