After Trump Leaves Office, Twitter and Facebook Will Take Different Approaches to Handling His Posts
@n-tv.de5 years ago
Nach Debatte um Trumps Statement: Facebook prüft Handhabe kontroverser Posts
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
An ex-Facebook executive called Mark Zuckerberg's actions 'haphazard' and said Facebook should have acted more like Twitter in addressing Trump's posts (FB)
@spiegel.de5 years ago
Kritik an Umgang mit Trumps Posts: Facebook-Chef Zuckerberg verteidigt sich vor Mitarbeitern - DER SPIEGEL
@rt.com5 years ago
Zuckerberg backtracking? Facebook to review policy on ‘threats of state use of force’ after backlash for not deleting Trump post
@nytimes.com5 years ago
Facebook Employees Stage Virtual Walkout to Protest Trump Posts
@n-tv.de5 years ago
Nach Debatte um Trumps Statement: Facebook prüft Handhabe kontroverser Posts
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Facebook publicly tears itself apart over Mark Zuckerberg's decision to keep up Trump's posts about the George Floyd protests