@dailydot.com 2 months ago Zuckerberg went from the internet’s favorite new wife guy to ‘divorced dad’ in a week
@WSJ 3 years ago A federal appeals court blocked Florida from enforcing the bulk of a new state law that sought to make social-media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook potentially liable for removing political candidates and political content from their sites on.wsj.com
@variety.com 4 years ago Facebook, Google Extend Bans on Political Ads as Trump Refuses to Concede He Lost Election
@variety.com 5 years ago Facebook May Ban Political Advertising
@cjr.org 5 years ago Who is right about political ads, Twitter or Facebook?
@variety.com 6 years ago Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Says ‘We Need New Rules’ Regulating Political Speech
@globalvoices.org 2 years ago The Myanmar junta’s war against Facebook
@theconversation.com 4 years ago This federal election, the Liberals are outspending all the other parties combined when buying ads on Facebook
@WSJ 4 years ago Facebook and Google plan to continue banning political ads on their platforms for the next several weeks to prevent confusion about election results on.wsj.com
@thehill.com 5 years ago Facebook considering ban on political ads: reports
@vox.com 5 years ago Why everybody is freaking out about political ads on Facebook and Google
@cjr.org 7 years ago This is what happens when speech gets outsourced to Twitter and Facebook
@thedailybeast.com 2 years ago Wanda Sykes Hammers Facebook for Taking Trump Back
@rt.com 4 years ago Facebook took $9.5 million in ‘Big Oil’ ad money and let ‘fossil-fuel propaganda’ be spread on platform, climate change group says
@dailywire.com 4 years ago Analysis Finds Federal Government, Facebook Employees Donated Heavily To Biden; Military, NYPD Donated Heavily To Trump
@aljazeera.com 5 years ago Facebook to allow users to block political advertisements
@forbes.com 6 years ago Why Won't Facebook Create 'Safe Spaces' From Political Ads?
@fastcompany.com 2 years ago How ready are Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube to handle election misinformation?
@qz.com 4 years ago Facebook has taken down hundreds of political accounts in Uganda days ahead of a tense election
@variety.com 5 years ago Facebook May Ban Political Advertising
@WSJ 5 years ago Facebook is aiming to register 4 million voters before the presidential election, as well as offer voting information and political ad controls as it grapples with ongoing controversy over what to allow on its platforms on.wsj.com
@rt.com 6 years ago ‘No future for dissidents’ on social media: Paul Joseph Watson reflects on Facebook ban