Meta Denies Facebook, Instagram Users Were Forced to Follow Trump but Admits It ‘May Take Some Time for Unfollow Requests to Go Through’
@dailydot.com9 months ago
People flock to New York Courts’ Facebook to claim they had a cousin on Trump’s jury
@fastcompany.com2 years ago
Meta is reportedly bringing AI chatbots to Facebook, including an Abe Lincoln bot
@WSJ3 years ago
Here's everything you need to know about Truth Social, the new platform launched by former President Donald Trump to challenge the dominance of Twitter and Facebook
@thehill.com4 years ago
Facebook antitrust victory poses big test for new FTC chief
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
Trump launches new website ahead of Facebook ruling
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
Facebook sends decision to ban Trump to its new oversight board
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
A top Biden staffer laid into Facebook for 'shredding the fabric of our democracy' — yet another sign the social media giant should fear the new administration
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Donald Trump threatened Facebook and Twitter again after they throttled the spread of a dubious New York Post story about Hunter Biden
@dailywire.com4 years ago
Facebook Restricts Bombshell NY Post Report Alleging Hunter Biden Brokered Meeting Between Burisma Exec And Joe Biden
@foxnews.com5 years ago
College backs off charges against student who used Trump photo on Zoom, still claims Facebook post broke rules
@inquisitr.com5 years ago
Donald Trump Facebook Ad Depicting Symbol Similar To Nazi Imagery Removed
@rt.com3 months ago
Zuckerberg dines with Trump
@forbes.com9 months ago
GOP Demands Trump Mistrial After Facebook Comment From Juror’s ‘Cousin’ Sparks Conspiracy
@axios.com2 years ago
Exclusive: Facebook to reinstate Trump
@WSJ3 years ago
Former President Donald Trump unveiled a new digital-media venture that will create a social network called Truth Social to fight such companies as Facebook and Twitter. He said the venture would go public by merging with a SPAC.
@politico.com4 years ago
Trump’s fundraising arm is back advertising on Facebook
@politico.com4 years ago
Trump launches website to connect with followers on eve of big Facebook decision
@dailywire.com4 years ago
Facebook Suspended Trump’s Account. Then He Gained Almost 150,000 ‘Likes.’
@dailywire.com4 years ago
‘Enforcement Error’: Facebook Reinstates ‘New Jersey Women For Trump’ Page After Trump Complains years ago
Donald Trump slams Facebook for blocking New York Post story about Hunter Biden
@foxnews.com4 years ago
New Jersey mayor's Facebook post blasting Trump and his supporters prompts outcry
@thehill.com5 years ago
Facebook adds info label to Trump post about elections
@dailydot.com5 years ago
Trump campaign accused of using a Nazi symbol in Facebook ad
@fastcompany.com4 months ago
‘I know what I’ve got is of high value’: Fries allegedly made by Trump are going for $10,000 on Facebook
@foxnews.com9 months ago
NY v. Trump: Judge reveals Facebook post implying juror discussed guilty verdict with family ahead of time
@dailydot.com2 years ago
Facebook approved ad calling for violence in Brazil even after riots broke out
@rt.com3 years ago
Former Afghan president Ghani says Facebook account hacked after post calls on UN to recognize Taliban govt and unfreeze assets
@fastcompany.com4 years ago
Trump booted from Facebook for 2 years
@foxnews.com4 years ago
Trump launches new communications platform months after Twitter, Facebook ban
@rt.com4 years ago
YouTube SUSPENDS Trump’s channel for ‘inciting violence,’ becoming 3rd major platform after Twitter & Facebook to do so
@politico.com4 years ago
Republicans widen counterattack on Facebook and Twitter
@foxnews.com4 years ago
Trump, Republicans slam Twitter, Facebook 'blackout' of Hunter Biden article
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Mark Zuckerberg says he personally told President Trump that some of his 'rhetoric was problematic'
@rt.com5 years ago
Trump turns to Facebook to announce replacement of Brad Parscale as campaign manager after huge Twitter hack & account lockdown
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Largest union federation in the US demands apology from Mark Zuckerberg over new software feature that would allow employers blacklist words like 'unionize' in chats
@dailydot.com4 months ago
McDonald’s fries allegedly cooked by Trump hit Facebook Marketplace—for $10,000
@qz.coma year ago
Trump calls Facebook an 'enemy of the people.' He also buys ads on it
@WSJ3 years ago
Nodding to Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, President Biden pushed Congress to adopt new online privacy protections for children as part of his effort to address what the White House terms a national mental health crisis
@nymag.com4 years ago
Biden: Facebook Is ‘Killing People’ With Vaccine Misinformation
@latenight4 years ago
Trump Still Banned from Facebook, Giuliani Needs Trump’s Help with Legal Fees | The Tonight Show
@rt.com4 years ago
Facebook leak: Zuckerberg admits having TOO MUCH POWER but cheers new administration, seeks to WORK WITH BIDEN on key issues
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
The Facebook pages that spread the most election misinformation belong to Trump, his son, and a set of right-wing commentators, new research finds (FB)
@thehill.com4 years ago
Trump slams Facebook, Twitter for limiting spread of New York Post's Biden story
@rt.com4 years ago
‘Repeal section 230!’ Trump comments on Twitter, Facebook censoring story about Hunter Biden
@thehill.com5 years ago
Facebook preparing plans in case Trump seeks to delegitimize election: report
@dailydot.com5 years ago
Biden calls on Facebook to take down Trump’s mail-in voting claims
@dailydot.com5 years ago
Zuckerberg defends inaction on Trump in call with employees