@WSJ 3 years ago Here's everything you need to know about Truth Social, the new platform launched by former President Donald Trump to challenge the dominance of Twitter and Facebook on.wsj.com
@dailywire.com 5 years ago George Soros Attacks Facebook: ‘Mark Zuckerberg Should Not Be In Control’
@fastcompany.com 4 years ago Trump booted from Facebook for 2 years
@thehill.com 5 years ago Clinton says Zuckerberg has 'authoritarian' views on Facebook ads, misinformation
@latenight 4 years ago Trump Still Banned from Facebook, Giuliani Needs Trump’s Help with Legal Fees | The Tonight Show
@theatlantic.com 8 years ago Facebook Data ‘Does Not Contradict’ Intelligence on Russia Meddling
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago A top Biden staffer laid into Facebook for 'shredding the fabric of our democracy' — yet another sign the social media giant should fear the new administration