@thehill.com 5 years ago Hillicon Valley: Facebook faces antitrust probe from state AGs | O'Rourke pushes tech to crack down on disinformation | Ransomware attacks force school in Arizona to close
@thehill.com 5 years ago Hillicon Valley: Instagram seen as top 2020 disinformation target | Facebook to let users opt out of facial recognition on photos | Dozens of states looking at Google antitrust probe | Senate panel to hold hearings on tech mergers
@thehill.com 6 years ago Hillicon Valley: FTC fines Facebook $5B in privacy settlement | Critics pan settlement as weak | Facebook also faces FTC antitrust probe | Senate panel advances 'deepfakes' legislation | House passes anti-robocall bill
@thehill.com 6 years ago Hillicon Valley: DOJ opens tech antitrust probe | Facebook, Amazon set lobbying records | Barr attacks encryption as security risk | NSA to create new cybersecurity arm