@aljazeera.com 4 years ago Trump sues Facebook, Twitter and Google over social media bans
@LateNightSeth 4 years ago Sen. Amy Klobuchar Reacts to Donald Trump’s Facebook Ban
@foxnews.com 4 years ago READ IT: Trump lawsuits against Twitter, Facebook, Google over alleged big tech censorship
@politico.com 4 years ago Republicans widen counterattack on Facebook and Twitter
@snopes.com 4 years ago Trump Plans Lawsuit Against Facebook, Twitter
@t-online.de 5 years ago "Cyber-Barone" vor dem US-Kongress: Bezos, Zuckerberg und Co. in der Mangel - t-online.de
@foxnews.com 4 years ago Trump to sue Facebook, Twitter, Google over alleged censorship
@businessinsider.com 5 years ago The Trump administration reportedly told Facebook and Twitter to remove posts that call for tearing down statues (FB, TWTR, SNAP, GOOG, GOOGL)